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ムービー・コンバータ - ビデオを変換する最も簡単で最速の方法!
iPhone, iPadまたはiPod上で全てのビデオと映画を見る!
ムービー・コンバータ はiPhone, iPadそしてiPodのためにマウスをわずか数クリックするだけで従来の形式の全ての映画を変換します。
divx, avi, flv, mov, wmv, mpg, mpeg, mpeg1, mpeg2, mpeg4, mp4, mpv, vob, ts, ogv, ogg, ogm, mkv, dv, asf, 3gp, m2p, m2ts, m2v, gxf, rmvb, wm... と更にもっと。
プレイリストに動画を追加する際は、プレイリスト下の+ ボタンまたはCommand+Oキーを押す事で、追加する動画の選択が出来ます。Finderから、動画ファイルをドラッグ&ドロップしても、追加できます。プレイリスト右下のポップアップボタンはプレイリストの再生回数を示し、0〜10または∞を選択することで、その回数分だけ、プレイリスト内の動画を再生します。
DVDRemaster Pro also allows you to extract raw data streams from your DVD. These can be reused in other applications.
- Preserve mutiple audio tracks: when converting your movies and shows for your video player. This is ideal to retain several languages or audio commentaries.
- Faster than ever: with its new enhancements, you will have access to your DVDs, movies and shows even quicker.
- Surround sound: enjoy the full surround sound experience. The high-quality surround material is preserved when converting your movies and shows for your Apple TV.
- Convert to video players even faster: bring your movies and shows onto your video players faster with improved H.264 support. You can now convert to H.264 using turbo.264 thus freeing you computer so you can work on what matters to you.
- DVD backup made easy: From viewing your movies to selecting the languages you wish to keep and burning the final backup DVD, everything is built into a simple but yet powerful interface.
- Recompress with ease: No need to worry about complicated settings; everything is summarized into easy to use presets. Simply select a destination device and you are ready
to go.
- Convert for video players: Watching your favorite movies and shows on the road using your video iPod, iPod Touch and iPhone or enjoying them at home on your Apple TV has never
been easier.
- Automatically include movie information: Easily locate and classify movies in your library using titles, genres and many others. Finding the movie you are looking for is now a piece of cake.
- Prepare and execute multiple conversions: Never run out of movies to watch again. Prepare several conversion tasks ahead of time and let DVDRemaster execute them without supervision.
- Easily navigate between chapters: It is easier than ever to find scenes in a movie on your iPod, iPod Touch or iPhone. Thanks to the new chapter markers, you can jump from one chapter to another.
【ライフハッカー[日本版]さん 記事ご掲載のお知らせ】
Twitter: @WannaAudio
### 無劣化、だから高速・高音質 ###
### 電池長持ち、エコ大好きWannaAudio ###
### 容量節約、うちのiPodは8GB…でも安心 ###
### iPhoneでBGMを流せる ###
### iTunesで再生できないトラブル?! そんなの無縁です ###
### サポートする動画形式(及び抽出できる音声形式) ###
- FLV (MP3、AAC、リニアPCM)
- MP4 (AAC)
### 主な掲載メディア(敬称略) ###
- [MacBank] WannaAudio: 動画から音声を抽出!これでライヴDVDをiPodで気軽に聴ける!
- Mac100% Vol.9 (Excellent Softwareのひとつにご紹介いただきました)
Turbo.264 HD は、ダウンロード、MKV ファイル、AVI ファイルやその他多くを含むほとんどすべてのビデオファイルを扱うことができます。
● お手持ちのAVCHDビデオカメラを自動的に探知
● クリップをプレビューし、トリムします。もう書き込みや変換に長い間待つ必要がなくなりました。
● 撮った日時に合わせてビデオクリップをイベントとして整理
● 複数のビデオをワンクリックで変換
● 複数のビデオを1つのムービーに
● HD ビデオを作成し、自動的にYouTubeにアップロード
● どんなビデオフォーマットも使いやすい H.264 フォーマットに変換- 速い!
オリジナルビデオは手つかずのまま残ります。Turbo.264 HDビデオコンバータは進んだエンコード技術を使用し、より優れた画質のビデオを生み出しますので、iPadや高解像度ディスプレイの Mac でも美しい映像をお楽しみいただけます。
AVCHD Video、QuickTime、AVI、DV、MPEG-1、MPEG-2 Program/Transport Stream、MPEG-4、MP4、M4V、MTS、H.263、H.264 AVC、Xvid、VIDEO_TS、その他数多く
iPad、iPhone、iPod、Apple TV、YouTube、YouTube HD、HD 720p、HD 1080p、Sony PSP(R)、プラスカスタムプロフィールに柔軟に対応
- Lance Olinger, Videomaker
Turbo.264 HD をインストールし、使うのがどれほど簡単か、誇張するのは難しい… 平均的ユーザならプロセスが究極にシンプルであることがわかるだろう。iMovie との比較でも、ビデオカメラからビデオを取り出してコンピュータで見られるまでになるのが、驚くほど速い…"
- Jeremy Horwitz, Editor-in-Chief, iLounge
- electronista.com
● オリジナルサウンドトラックとグラフィックスを含む、15種類の予告編テンプレートがそろっています。
● アニメーション化されたドロップゾーンを使って、予告編に最適なビデオを簡単に選べます。
● 出演者の名前、タイトル、クレジットなどをカスタマイズできます。
● 完成した予告編をiTunesやAppleのデバイスと共有する時は、美しくレンダリングされた映画風のポスターも表示させられます
● 色がついた詳細なオーディオ波形が、すべてのクリップに表示されます。
● 音量スライダをドラッグして、クリップ全体、または一部の音量を調整できます。
● フェード部分の境界線をドラッグして、フェードの長さを変更できます。
● ムービーのサウンドを楽しく変化させられる、19種類のオーディオエフェクトがあります。
● バリエーション豊かな9つのビジュアルエフェクトから選べます。
● カスタマイズされたスローモーション、早送り、インスタントリプレイなどのエフェクトを加えることができます。
● クリップの一部を一瞬で白黒、セピアなどに変えることができます。
● 音楽のビートに合わせたジャンプカットやフリップエフェクトも加えられます。
● 顔が映っているすべてのビデオクリップを自動的に探し出し、人物を特定します。
● それぞれのシーンに映っている人物を、1人、2人、グループと、人数ごとに識別できます。
● クローズアップ、腰から上のミディアムショット、広角のショットを自動的に判別します。
● ニュースのテーマを使って、ビデオをニュース番組のように仕上げることができます。
● スポーツのテーマを使うと、スポーツのビデオがプロによる中継番組のように仕上がります。
● ムービーをiTunesに書き出して、iPhone、iPad、iPod、Apple TVで楽しめます。
● YouTube、Vimeo、MobileMeギャラリーに公開できます。
● Facebookで友だちとも共有できます。
● 美しい1,080p解像度のHDビデオを簡単に書き出せます。
AVCHDビデオの利用にはIntel Core Duo以上のプロセッサを搭載したMacが必要です。
ArraySync is completely scalable, and can run entirely on hardware you already own. Synchronize two displays or a hundred! ArraySync's performance is limited only by the capabilities of your hardware.
Effortlessly create video arrays without specialized hardware.
ArraySync makes it easy to build a multi-screen video presentation. Use ArrayShaker to break up your media into multiple segments and distribute them to ArraySync Clients powering your displays. Mac users also have the option to span videos directly without preprocessing with ArrayShaker.*
Flexibility to match your creativity.
Because ArraySync is completely software-based, the configuration possibilities are endless. Rather than relying on infleixble hardware-based systems, you're free to design the ultimate display setup using varying sizes and placements of screens. Enjoy the flexibility to express your ideas through unique custom displays unhindered by dedicated hardware.
Sync Macs and PCs.
Whether you have Macs, PCs or both, ArraySync plays nice with all your hardware. Use a Mac as a server controlling PC clients, or a PC server controlling Mac clients, or mix and match Macs and PCs in any combination you can imagine. ArraySync's underlying protocol is platform independent.
- Video replay up to HD quality 720p
- Continuous, single and random play modes
- iTunes library integration; browse your iTunes files and playlists
- Play all your music, display album art
- Play through folders or use your iTunes playlists
- SRT and SSA subtitles
You can stream movies up to HD quality (720p) over WiFi to your Mac from most other recent Macs and PCs.
- *Movie files*: in MP4, AVI, MOV, FLV, MPG, MKV, WMV and more formats
- *Music files* in MP3, AAC, FLAC, ALAC, M4A and more formats.
- *Photo files* in JPG, TIFF, PNG, GIF (RAW files are not supported)
You can *pause and seek* through the file on your Mac as though it were actually a local copy device.
**Local or remote**
Stream over the internet from your Mac/PC to wherever you have a Mac running StreamToMe. All media bitrates are automatically adjusted to suit your connection speed. You can watch your movies, listen to your music wherever you are. Use a dynamic DNS address to find your computer and *stream away*.
*StreamToMe* requires Mac OS X 10.6 or greater
You also need the free *ServeToMe* program running on either an Intel Mac (OS X 10.5 or later) or a PC with Pentium4 or greater running XP SP2, Vista or Windows.
ServeToMe is a *free program* that StreamToMe users can download from http://projectswithlove.com/streamtome
StreamToMe requires a continuous connection between to the computer running ServeToMe. Network conditions may affect video quality or the ability to connect.
Connecting from an external location (3G or non-local WiFi) requires UPnP/NAT-PMP or manual port forwarding on your router. Some configuration may be required (help at http://projectswithlove.com/streamtome/support_remote_connections.html).
StreamToMe does NOT play back DRM-protected audio or video formats.
Recommended by Dive Into HTML5
Calculations are entered into FrameCalculator as expressions. Within an expression you can:
● add and subtract timecodes and frame numbers,
● multiply timecodes with rational numbers,
● divide timecodes into fractions,
● use brackets for grouping of sub-expressions and
● convert timecodes to frame numbers and back.
Examples for the syntax of FrameCalculator's expressions and results:
100+100 = 200 frames or 00:00:08.08 in 24fps
1:01+1:05.10 = 00:02:06.10
00:00:01.05|24*10 = 00:00:12.02 in 25fps
(100+01:50.21) /2 = 1380 frames in 24 fps or 00:00:57.11 in 25fps
Pomfort FrameCalculator can convert the results of calculations into disk space usage and network transfer time of various digital formats and into footage of different film materials.
Pomfort FrameCalculator has been succesfully used in various post production facilities all over world for the last 5 years. It is now available as a free download in Apple's Mac App Store.
Save DVDs for iPod, iPhone, PSP, PDA, Zune, Archos, BlackBerry, cell phone, and more.
Choose audio track for each DVD title.
Use handy presets for the most popular devices and video formats, including HD and DVD.
Join multiple files to create a single movie.
Process videos quickly using the nifty drag-and-drop interface.
This Mac Video Converter can convert not only standard definition videos (AVI, MP4, MPG, WMV, MOV, etc), but also high definition videos (MTS, M2TS, TS, HD AVI, etc), and output video formats including MOV, FLV, MP4, etc. and other HD videos (HD MP4, HD WMV, HD MOV, etc). It also extracts and converts audio track from your video files as WAV, MKA, OGG, 3GP, Mp3 and M4A.
With its powerful video editing functions, you can trim video length, crop video area, set video brightness, contrast, and saturation, and customize video/audio output settings.
Video Converter for Mac Key Features:
1. Basic functions
-Convert video to all sorts of mobile players
Enjoy videos on iPad, iPod, iPod touch, iPhone (iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4.0, iOS4), Apple TV, PSP, PDA/Pocket PC (including BlackBerry), Creative Zen, Archos, Epson media players, any cell phone, etc.
-Import video to popular applications
Convert to optimized video formats to import to some popular applications like QuickTime, iMovie, iDVD, iTunes 9, Final Cut Pro, PPT, Adobe Premiere Pro, etc on Mac OS.
-Make video compatible with websites
Make video compatible with YouTube, Google, Yahoo, MySpace, etc for sharing with others.
-Support HD video
Support camera/camcorder high definition and standard definition video format.
2. Video Editing functions
-Video Trim
Trim the video to pick up video segments you favor or remove unwanted parts, and output clipped segments respectively or as a merged one.
-Video Crop
Crop video image size to get rid of the black border, commercial mark, or something else you dislike at will.
-Set Brightness, Contrast and Saturation
Adjust video brightness, saturation and contrast, and add artistic effect like old film, canvas or negative to suit your favor using the Mac video converter software.
-More visualized outputs formats for choosing
Presets abundant output formats that are classified by device type and allows you to change the default parameter settings to meet your specific needs.
-Preview and snapshot
Built-in player in this video converter for Mac enables you to preview videos. When previewing, you can take a snapshot for loved video images and save them as JPG files.
-Merge more than one video files into a single file.
-Easy to use
Batch conversion, subtitle setting and drag-drop functions make everything much easier.
KEY FEATURES of Leawo Video Converter:
1. Convert videos to avi: mkv to avi, mpeg to avi, wmv to avi, mp4 to avi, 3gp to avi, etc.
2. Convert avi to videos: avi to dvd, avi to mp4, avi to mpg, avi to wmv, avi to dvd, avi to flv, etc.
3. Convert videos to flv: avi to flv, wmv to flv, mpeg, to flv, etc.
4. Convert videos to mp4: avi to mp4, wmv to mp4, mpeg to mp4, 3gp to mp4, etc.
5. Convert mp4 to videos: mp4 to mp3, mp4 to wmv, mp4 to mpeg, etc.
6. Convert videos to mpeg and mpeg to videos in all formats
7. Convert videos to Portable players like videos to iPod, videos to iPhone, videos to PSP, videos to 3GP cell phone, etc.
8. Convert videos to audio files like videos to mp3, videos to aac, videos to m4a, etc.
9. Custom video effects by setting video brightness and contrast, trimming video duration, and cropping video images to extract the unnecessary parts.
10. Support batch video conversion to convert multiple videos at a time
11. Merge all added videos into a large one to convert to any formats videos
12. Capture beautiful thumbnails to enrich the picture database
13. User-friendly video conversion interface
14. Fast conversion speed and excellent output quality
15. No machine performance requirement for video conversion