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The first privacy application to bring a "private browsing" like feature to all sorts of applications. Tiptoe lets you use many popular applications such as wordprocessors, image viewers, video players, and instant messengers with the confidence that a trail of your actions won't be stored. If you need it to, Tiptoe can also clean up your old trails.
√ Open with Privacy
When using applications on your Mac you will often leave behind a trail of information about what you have been doing. This can include recent items, history and cache. These trails can be really useful, but if you are using a shared or public Mac you may not want this information to be stored. With Tiptoe you can choose to open supported applications with privacy so no trail is left behind, but the previous, useful information you want to keep is left untouched.
To open an application with privacy, select it from Tiptoe's main window and click the privacy button. For quick access, applications can also be opened with privacy from the Dock menu.
√ Reset
Erase all of the privacy information left by an application or just the types of information you want quickly and easily. So if you already have a trail of information you would like to remove, or you forget to use Tiptoe, this is for you.
√ Applications
Tiptoe supports 24 popular applications and utilities on the Mac and I will be adding more. The list of applications can be customised to show just the applications you require.

Share is the quick and easy way to transfer files Mac-to-Mac.
Why use Share?
Share lets you push files to every other Mac in your local network running Share out of the box, without any extra setup or configuration.
You don’t need to open a file to see what’s inside it. Just press the space bar, or click the Quick Look button, and you will get a preview of the file’s contents. Anyway, the Files Received window also renders a Quick Look preview next to each file’s name.
Double-click a file to open it using the default application, move it to the Trash if you don’t find it interesting, or move it around in the Finder. It’s up to you.
Drag and drop
Drop any file onto Share’s dock icon to Share it. Drag any file from Share’s “Files Received” window to any location on disk to move it.
Supported files
Share supports any kind of file. It will use Quick Look, provided by Mac OS X, to render a preview when available. Oh, and try to drop any website address over Share’s dock icon…

strainer is a drag n drop file name fixer. you setup the watch list once, and then forget it. each time you drag n drop files into strainers drop zone, it will hunt for every item in that list and zap it.

Snipper enables you to paste text Snippets without the need to search for it inside files or webpages. Snipper provides storage for 9 Snippets, which can be pasted anywhere through customizable keyboard shortcuts. It's your extended, persistent pasteboard.

RightClickMP3 is a brilliantly simple one-click application, that saves you time and hassle by adding a 'Convert to MP3' option to the right-click (or ctrl+click) menu. Convert WAV/AIFF/MP4/OGG/WMA8/FLAC and more easily and quickly with this lightweight, yet powerful application. You can set-and-forget the master bitrate from the settings menu, to either file size and quality to your needs.
Please note that conversion of copy protected files is not supported.
RightClickMP3 does not support WMA9 or WMAL files at this time.

PrefEdit is an application to manage nearly all aspects of the preference system contained in every Mac OS X installation. It is directed both to software developers and to end users who like to have full access to each and every aspect of preference settings. It is capable of visualizing the complete search path and priority of user default settings, exactly imitating the view each Mac OS X application has on the preferences database.
The program consists of three components which are tightly integrated with each other:
- A browser and editor for the Mac OS X preferences database,
- a browser and editor for Mac OS X property list files (plists),
- a browser for preference manifest files.
PrefEdit was the first preferences editor ever published for Mac OS X. With its long experience and maturity, it has become one of the most advanced preference management applications for Mac OS X available today. In contrast to other applications, PrefEdit can correctly differentiate between the “live” view on the preferences dataset as it is currently seen by applications, and the persistent representation of settings in preference files.

Easily store and manage interesting links while surfing in the World Wide Web. Wether you want to save links temporary or to keep it, your bookmarks are smartly organized besides to your browser. For more information or a demo version, please visit the web site.
- Smart Boxes to automatically filter your bookmarks.
- Works unobtrusively, side by side with your browser.
- Safari Extension and Bookmarklet available, to save a link with a single click.
- You can sort bookmarks within each box differently.
- Several ways to access and search your bookmarks quickly.
- Editable bookmarks (title, url and comment).
- Remembers the app used to open a bookmark.

iTried makes use of the iSight Camera on your macbook (or Mac) to snap the picture of anyone who disturbs the screensaver. All pictures are saved and can be reviewed later.

Annoyed about having a messy Desktop ?
Irritated by your cluttered Downloads folder ?
Then inbetweenbox is here to save you !!!
inbetweenbox sits in between your organized file system, and the constant onslaught of files that you get sent and download everyday. Simply import these files into inbetweenbox, and inbetweenbox with organize them within it's own library system.
From within inbetweenbox you can easily Open, Quick Look and Rename your files. When you find time to organise your files, you can export them from your inbetweenbox library.
- Copy, Move or Link files to your inbetweenbox library
- Create Folders to group files together
- Open, Quick Look and Rename files from within inbetweenbox
You can follow @inbetweenbox on Twitter to get more information about the inbetweenbox application.

Image Organizer is an intuitive and simple application to organize and manage huge image libraries on disk.
Drag and drop images into the organizer's list, order them as you please and export into a location of your choosing with a specified prefix. Images will be copied and named in sequential order according to how you order them in list.

Jolt allows you to delay your screen from dimming while you read a website, watch a video clip or any other activity where you need your screen to stay on.
● Simple, one-click activation
● Set up to 5 different delays
● Choose between 3 minutes to forever for each delay
● Select one of five unique icon colors for each delay
●Protects you from draining your battery by only delaying as long as you need

iCluster ist eine Mac App fu¨r Funkamateure, Kurzwellenho¨rer oder alle die wissen wollen, was auf den Amateurfunkba¨ndern los ist.
Die Applikation fragt in Echtzeit den Inhalt der sogenannten DX-Cluster Datenbank ab, wertet diese aus und zeigt den Inhalt u¨bersichtlich auf dem iPhone an.
Der Inhalt kann nach Frequenz (80m, 40m etc.) oder Modus (CW = Morsetelegrafie, Baken oder Digitalmodi) gefiltert werden.
Unterstu¨tzt werden alle Kurzwellen und UKW Ba¨nder von 160m u¨ber 6m bis 70cm.
Calls (Rufzeichen) werden vom Programm decodiert und im Klartext angezeigt, sodass auch nicht erfahrene das Herkunftsland der Stationen erkennen.
iCluster ist ein ideales Hilfsmittel fu¨r Funkamateure bei Field Days oder Contesten. Aber auch nicht lizenzierte Laien ko¨nnen mit iCluster herausfinden, auf welchen Frequenzen gerade etwas los ist, und wohin es sich lohnt, den Scanner oder das Radio einmal einzustellen.
Hauptfunktionen von iCluster:
- Echtzeitanzeige und Decodierung der DX-Cluster Daten
- Anzeige von 100 Eintra¨gen pro Abfrage
- Filtern der Liste nach Frequenz oder Modus
- Unterstu¨tzt Frequenzen von 160m bis 6mm (1.8 MHz bis 47 GHz)
- Dekodierung der Rufzeichen und Landesanzeige im Klartext
- Einstellungen werden gespeichert.
- Geringer Bandbreitenbedarf
- Keine Amateurfunklizenz oder Registrierung notwendig

Geekbench is a benchmark that provides a comprehensive set of tests engineered to quickly and accurately measure processor and memory performance. Designed to make benchmarks easy to run and easy to understand, Geekbench takes the guesswork out of producing robust and reliable benchmark results.

Gallery Grabber QED is a tool for downloading graphic files from web based picture galleries to your hard-drive.
Drag a gallery page link from your browser to Gallery Grabber's main interface to download gallery images. For Safari and Firefox users, Gallery Grabber browser extensions are available for even easier grabbing.
Gallery Grabber QED was designed to download from the majority of galleries with little or no user intervention. It can automatically determine the type of web gallery that has been dropped, extracting only the gallery images themselves - leaving banners, thumbnails and page design behind.
Gallery Grabber understands three types of web gallery:
● Gallery Page - a single webpage with large gallery images embedded within the page.
● Thumbnail Picture Gallery - a single webpage with small to medium thumbnail images which lead to larger gallery images.
● Thumbnail Page Gallery - a webpage with small to medium thumbnail images which lead to other webpages with embedded gallery images.
When more control is needed Gallery Grabber's automatic behaviour can be overridden, forcing a gallery to be downloaded using a specific method.
If most of your downloads are from galleries other than these, you might want to consider using an alternative application such as a spider or a webbot. Although these may not be as easy or straight forward to use, they should give you the extra features you require to get at these more stubborn galleries.
Gallery Grabber QED does not support frame pages, password protected sites or sites that prevent image downloading with Flash and other methods.

EntoPrint prints multiple copies of an Entomology label for which you type the information only once. Whether you want 100 labels or 10,000, EntoPrint will set them up in columns at whatever size and scale you prefer.
If you are like most entomologists, you have been typing labels in your word processor, copying and pasting text, aligning the paragraphs into 6 or 7 columns on a page, and choosing 4 or 5 point type output on your laser printer. This works fine if you have 25 different labels with 10 or 15 of each label. But, if you need 250, 500, or 1000 identical labels, this soon becomes a BIG CHORE. This is why EntoPrint was developed -- to save time and make it easier for entomologists and anyone else that needs to create multiple copies of a single piece of information in a label format.
You can use EntoPrint to print locality pin labels, vial labels, determination labels, address labels, and so on.
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