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Take a picture of someone or pick one from your photo library.
Throw pie.
Save it as a picture or short video clip, and email it to all your friends.
And let them know that they been PIED!
Pie sequence shot with Veescope Live (www.veescope.com)
As easy on the eyes as it is to use, Process 3 gives you the freedom you need to be creative and the flexible framework you need to get things done―all from one versatile window. Brainstorm. Organize. Schedule. Plan. Coordinate. Collaborate.
The Process 3 all-in-one-window interface was kept clean, simple and intuitive to maximize speed, convenience and flexibility. Beneath the utilitarian toolbar you find five distinct but functionally-interlocked panes that give you full control over all your projects and all the elements needed to accomplish each phase.
Smart Projects does for your tasks what Smart Playlists did for your tunes. Many more features.
Currently, iSnake delivers two exciting game modes, Extreme and Classic. In Extreme mode, the graphics have been upgraded and the player receives additional powerups that make the snake invincible and lightning fast. Classic mode brings backs the normal, original snake game that so many have come to love (think snake on the cell phone).
With two incredible modes already, and more on the way, iSnake will more than fill your gaming appetite.
I feel like this happened just yesterday. I walked across a long stone bridge towards the Magic Academy. I didn’t know at that time what they do there. I didn’t even know that such an academy existed. It was probably crazy to respond to such an ad: “The Magic Academy wants to recruit a pastry cook”. Suddenly I heard weird noises, like something was falling from above. I looked up and saw a small green creature diving straight for me. I held out my arms and caught him. It was a tiny baby dragon. He was flapping his wings hopelessly without being able to take off. I hugged him. “Don’t be afraid, little one. I won’t leave you.” I named him Dino, and from that moment on he became my loyal ally and sidekick. At first the work wasn’t very difficult: I had to bake pastries and serve drinks. But over time everything changed. I found an ancient spell book in my room. I don’t think it ended up there by chance. I tried to open it, without success. I had to overcome many obstacles to learn what was written in the book. However, that event changed my life and showed me the path to a new world… the Magic Academy’s world.
Vous souhaitez pre´parer l’examen du code de la route en mettant toutes les chances de votre co^te´ ?
Vous de´sirez simplement tester vos connaissances ?
...Auriez-vous a` nouveau votre code si vous le repassiez aujourd’hui ?
De´couvrez Le Code le Route, LA solution pour vous entrai^ner comme a` l’auto-e´cole* !
Ide´ale pour apprendre, s’exercer et se perfectionner, cette formation interactive exploite toutes les possibilite´s de votre Mac.
Avec Le Code de la Route, mettez toutes les chances de votre co^te´ :
● Cours clairs et de´taille´s re´alise´s par des professionnels de la formation routie`re
● Questions et re´ponses commente´es et illustre´es, gra^ce a` une interface intuitive et dynamique
● Correction renforce´e accompagne´e de photos et de commentaires, pour une meilleure compre´hension des situations
● Suivi de progression complet pour travailler librement vos points faibles (statistiques par the`me, re´sultats aux examens)
● Mettez-vous dans les conditions re´elles de l’examen final en re´pondant aux questions en temps limite´ !
Retrouvez tous les outils pour une formation re´ussie :
- 100 lecons anime´es sur tous les the`mes du code : signalisation, conduite...
- Conseils de l’examen : tout pour e^tre pre^t le jour J (analyse de l’image et de la question, indices, pre´paration avant l’examen...)
- 6 500 questions et re´ponses commente´es et illustre´es : nombre illimite´ d'examens blancs et tests tire´s ale´atoirement pour s’entrai^ner dans les conditions re´elles de l’examen (boi^tier, limite de temps...)
- 250 questions et re´ponses pour pre´parer l’e´preuve orale du permis
- 20 tests 《 renforce´s 》
- Suivi de progression : statistiques par the`me, tests effectue´s, cours aborde´s...
NOUVEAU ! Inclus les nouveaux the`mes de l'examen : e´co-conduite, respect des autres usagers, prise de conscience des risques...
*Le contenu de cette application est extrait des logiciels de la gamme Code de la Route e´dite´s par Micro Application. Outils d’entrai^nement, de pre´paration et de re´vision au code de la route. Ce logiciel ne constitue pas un enseignement de la se´curite´ routie`re. Il ne dispense pas d’une inscription en auto-e´cole.
* Click on letters to make words and solve phrases
* Download new phrases every time you play for virtually endless gaming
* Three modes to play including “Classic”, “Strategy” and the multiplayer “Party” mode
* Create your own phrases for others to enjoy using the built-in editor
* Enjoy numerous visual themes, music tracks and hi-res graphics
* See how you match up against others with online high scores lists
Doublemill features 2 sound enabled modes:
? Player vs. Player with customizable names
? Player vs. Gizmo with configurable levels
Doublemill plays according to the traditional Nine Mens Morris rules.
? Rules of play
Each player has nine stones, or "men", which move among the board's twenty-four intersections. The object of the game is to leave the opposing player with fewer than three stones or, as in checkers, no legal moves.
? Placing the stones
The board at the beginning of the game, before any stones have been placed.
The game begins with an empty board. Players take turns placing their stones on empty intersections. If a player is able to form a row of three stones along one of the board's lines, he has a "mill" and may remove one of his opponent's stones from the board; removed stones may not be placed again.
Players cannot remove a stone from a formed mill. Once all eighteen stones have been placed, players take turns moving.
? Moving the stones
To move, a player slides one of his stones along a board line to an empty adjacent intersection. If he cannot do so, he has lost the game.
As in the placement stage, a player who aligns three of his stones on a board line has a mill and may remove one of his opponent's stones. The removal of stones in mills is not possible.
Any player reduced to two pieces is unable to remove any more opposing pieces and thus loses the game.
? Hopping
Once a player is reduced to three pieces, his pieces may hop to any empty intersections, not only adjacent ones.
Learn the basic times tables from 1 through to 12 in a fun and easy way.
The application will time you, and at the end of the questions will mark your answers for you.
Times tables are a fundamental part of any child's learning. By grasping their times tables well students are able to move onto more complex mathematics without the need to always be held up by a crutch known as the calculator.
Some examples of how knowing your times tables can help you are:
- factorising and expanding
- multiplication
- estimation and
- fractions
There are many many more aspects of mathematics that these flow into as well. Tables are a fundamental part of mathematics.
Times tables are such an important part of Math / Maths education, so start learning today.
Thousands of satisfied customers have downloaded the iPhone version of Breathing Zone. Now you can enjoy the same deeply relaxing breathing exercises on your Mac.
Breathing exercises can help reduce stress, improve your mood, and make you feel more relaxed and energized.
Breathing Zone is designed to be easy to use. There are no complicated settings and no difficult breathing patterns to master. All you need to do is breathe in and out according to the guide. Your breathing rate is gradually lowered and the length of your exhalation extended as the session progresses.
● Easy to follow voice instructions.
● Intuitive animated breathing guide.
● Full Screen mode.
● Integrated Help & Quick Start Guide.
● A choice of 4 calming guide sounds.
● Weekly Target tracks your therapeutic breathing minutes.
Note: The Breathing Rate Monitor feature of the iPhone version of Breathing Zone is not currently supported on the Mac.
The Radia LED Clock reinterprets the traditional analog clock for the digital age. An array of LEDs displays the precise time but also allows for a less immediate, more ambient reading of time.
NEW: Live Icon and Float On Top options keep the clock visible where you want it.
● Resizable to as large or as small as you need it- fill the screen or scale it down alongside your other windows while you work.
● Live Icon functionality allows the Dock icon to update in sync with the main view- you can even close the app window and the icon will show the current time in the Dock!
● Float On Top option allows the main clock window to be floated on top of other app windows so the clock isn't lost in your workspace.
● Uses the system time so it's always in perfect sync with your Mac OS X clock.
● Remembers its window position. If you found the perfect place to put it in your workspace, it'll return there next time you open the app.
* Very large maps
* Creeps that avoid your defenses
* Teleport towers to let you expand to the far reaches of a map
* Enemies that attack by land and sea
* Levels with multiple Creep spawning Grounds
* A Unique anti-ping-pong mechanic (tower destruction is 'free' ... but destroy too many, too quickly, and it will cost you!)
* Carefully balanced, endless waves that will challenge even the most experienced TD players ... before eventually, inevitably, overwhelming them
And just for Mac users
* Fullscreen mode
* Resizable gameplay window
* Support for trackpad gestures
* Games autosave when quit
Do you have what it takes to thwart these would-be home invaders? Kretures -- get yers ... NOW.
Take the fight to the alien homeworld and unleash a massive arsenal of weaponry! Get up close and personal on the battlefield in your power armor to execute devastating attacks and support your defenses!
- A challenging campaign featuring 20 levels across 14 distinctive and demanding maps!
- Over 20 unlockable turrets, orbital ship weapons, automated drones and abilities at your disposal!
- A powerful new commander unit which can level up and gain new abilities as you play!
- Customize your weapon loadout in the Armory to match the demands of the mission!
- Stunning graphics & fx!
- Endless modes for all maps!
- Play in windowed mode to carry on "working" or go big with fullscreen mode!
- Classic mode provides a pure skill-based game mode of challenges!
- New exclusive music by the creators of the Sentinel 2 music - Specimen A.
- Completely reworked and revamped game engine.
- WINNER: Best App Ever Awards 2010 Best iPad Strategy Game!
- 2nd Place: Best App Ever Awards 2010 Best iPhone Strategy Game!
- Pocketgamer's Top 10 iPhone games 2010!
- iPhone Quality Index Top 10 iPhone games 2010!
- KnowYourMobile's Top 10 smartphone games 2010!
Good luck, Commander!
Plus you can control all the settings and create your own fireworks show.
Find out how to:
- work with the virtual keyboard.
- Use themes.
- Skip slides for multiple presentation versions.
- add your own media including photos and movies.
- create and style tables.
- create and style charts.
- use hyperlinks in your presentation.
- use copy and paste.
- work with transitions.
- create a sense of motion with Magic Move.
- use builds.
- create presentation notes.
- use a simulated laser pointer while giving your presentation.
- Share and export your presentation to PDF or PowerPoint.
- do more withKeynote for iPad!
Videos included:
- Introduction
- Presentation Sample created using Keynote for iPad exclusively
- Take apart if the Presentation Sample
- Interface
- Virtual Keyboard
- Themes
- Slides
- Skipping Slides
- Objects
- Deleting Slides and Objects
- Working with Text
- Working with Media
- Working with Tables
- Working with Charts
- Working with Shapes
- Hyperlinks
- Copy and Paste
- Transitions
- Magic Move
- Using Builds
- Presentation Notes
- Laser Pointer
- Sharing
- Conclusion
We have been doing online video tutorials for over 5 years. Check out what people are saying about our other video tutorials:
- "This tutorial has saved me in so many ways! In just 15 minutes everything was clear!"
- "This is excellent training for an excellent price."
- "I got the app a day ago and have already had a few "ah-ha" moments as I learned something new."
- "I must say I am impressed and would buy from this developer again."
- "Few people can make useful tutorials. This person is one of the rare trainers who will keep your attention… You won't be sorry with this purchase. You will also want to see more tutorials by him."
Get the most out of Keynote for iPad with this Video Tutorial!