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Fruit Munch is an exciting new mix between Match-3 and Jaw-Breaker genres with gorgeous graphics and fun game play!
This game with its addictive game play, its gorgeous graphics and amazing soundscape is ideal if you have some time to kill. Choose between the puzzle mode, the time challenge mode or the
endless mode and start munching those fruits!

Weatherlet is a simple to use menu extra. Weatherlet lives in the menu bar of your mac to give you convenient access to the weather.

Freebox Remote Mac
Contro^lez votre Freebox (v5 ou Re´volution) directement depuis votre MAC.
- Te´le´commande de base : allumer / e´teindre votre Freebox, touches chiffres, hausse/baisse du volume et hausse/baisse des chai^nes.
- Support de deux boitiers (hd1 et hd2)
- Support de la freebox v5 et v6.
Au de´marrage, allez dans Parame`tres, et configurez le code de votre Boitier.
- sur Freebox v5 HD, il se trouve dans Parame`tres > Informations Ge´ne´ales.
- sur Freebox Player (v6), allez dans Re´glages > Syste`me
A venir
- Choix graphique des chai^nes, avec Guide inte´gre´ pour certaines.
- Autres touches de te´le´commandes.
- Le meilleur est a` venir !

Todo Queue is an intuitive and simple to use todo item organizer. Quickly capture tasks as you think of them and then view them ordered by Priority, Title or Due Date.
iPad and iPhone versions of Todo Queue are also available (sold separately on the iTunes App Store). Each version of Todo Queue includes full synchronization capability. Take your tasks with you on your iPhone or iPad, and then sync any additions or changes back to your Mac with the click of a button.
Todo Queue provides the capabilities you need, with a balance of style and ease of use. Many todo apps make life even more complicated with too many decisions to make for each task. Todo Queue allows you to quickly capture and organize your tasks with minimal effort.
● Clean and efficient user interface
● Sort tasks by Priority, Title or Due Date
● Quickly switch between Active and Completed views
● Create your own lists (categories) to organize tasks
● Each list shows the number of items in that list, along with the number of due/overdue items
● Due/overdue tasks are flagged with a red icon, so you know where to look first
● Synchronization of tasks between Mac, iPhone and iPad
● Full backup/restore with dated restore points
● Choose from seven color themes to highlight your tasks by their priority.

Approved by David Belle - creator of parkour!
Parkour ( the art of displacement, freerunning ) is the physical discipline of training to overcome any obstacle within one's path by adapting one's movements to the environment.
Traceur (freerunner) is the practitioner of parkour.
In this game you control a traceur, making his way through the city.
1. Videos with first person parkour footage.
2. Absolute realistic animations captured in Full HD.
3. Funny combo of doodle graphics and realistic character.
4. Training level explaining basic movements and tips!
5. WASD or Arrow keys controls.
6. Dynamic music.
7. Resolution independent Fullscreen / Windowed mode.

基本ルール [編集]

中央の一列だけは縦線が引かれていない。楚河、漢界の字が書かれており、ここは大河に見立てられている。相(象)は河を越えることはできず、兵(卒)は河を越えると戻れなくなる. これは、このゲームの発祥が韓信であり、楚の項羽との睨み合いの最中に兵士たちの暇潰しと戦略眼の養成のために発案したとの伝説による.
駒は双方が7種16枚持ち、それぞれ動きが決まっている. なお同じ機能の駒でも先手と後手で名前が異なる.
自分の駒を動かすとき、動く先に相手の駒があるとき、その駒を取ることが出来る。取られた駒は盤面から除去する. 将棋と異なり、取った駒は再利用出来ない.

Core-Renamer is a little tool for conveniently renaming a set of files. It's features include:
- Apply several renaming steps in a row before you actually rename the files.
- Reorder the files as you like (e.g. for numbering) or click on the columns for automatic ordering.
- Drag & drop files into the table.
- Unlimited undo / redo.
- Replace a string with another string.
- Delete a given amount of characters either from the beginning, from the end or in a certain range.
- Insert a string at a given location.
- Change the character case.
- Number the files with a specified delimiter.

From gameplay to visuals to music and imagination, BIT.TRIP BEAT is inspired by classic games in every way. Get sucked into a whole new world of sight and sound as you juggle beats and ride the vibe in this modern look at the beginning of it all.
BIT.TRIP BEAT for Mac is a brand-new version of the critically adored console game and it marks the beginning of CommanderVideo's epic journey of the soul with:
* Classic Gameplay!
* Brain-Melting Visuals!
* Crazy Boss Battles!
* Intriguing Cutscenes!
* A Rockin’ Chiptune-Inspired Soundtrack!
* Special Chiptune Guest Star Bit Shifter!
Download BIT.TRIP BEAT and start your own BIT.TRIP today!
Now featuring:
* Leaderboards (for Steam users)!
* Achievements (for Steam users)!
* Brand New Easy Mode!

Twisted Lands: Shadow Town Collector's Edition features the regular game, an exclusive bonus chapter with 25% more gameplay and groundbreaking video walkthroughs!
Welcome to Shadow Town. There are beaches, but you should not go near the water. There are woods, but those who enter them never return. And there's a village, but all it has to offer are empty streets and fog that hangs in the air like a curse. The only thing you can explore in this place is the source of the terror that will grip your heart.
Mark and Angel didn't mean to come here. But something caused their small boat to crash on the island; something dragged Angel into the darkness; and something is drawing Mark closer to a shocking truth as he looks for his wife. Will you be his guiding hand as he explores spine-chilling locations for hidden objects? Will you stand by his side as he confronts terrifying creatures? Will you be his muse as he solves mind-bending puzzles? Or will you seek out a less forbidding adventure? Play Twisted Lands: Shadow Town today and prove you have what it takes to survive...
WARNING: Twisted Lands: Shadow Town is for mature audiences.
◇ 100 locations
◇ 14 hidden object scenes
◇ Hints, tips and no time limits
◇ Atmospheric sound effects
◇ Bloodcurdling visuals
◇ Bonus chapter with 25% more gameplay
◇ Comprehensive video walkthroughs

TinyAlarm is a tiny alarm clock for your menu bar. It will play your chosen sound at some time in the near future. All of the configuration is done using the status menu item. Clicking around should reveal just about everything there is to know about Tiny Alarm.
TinyAlarm is good for when you're gaming or programming, but still have to get to class. It will also help you avoid missing your bus, or burning your pizza, or showing up late for meetings.

Desktop Notes makes it easy for you to just write down the stuff you need to remember. It doesn't need a complex interface, it just provides you with what you want: Taking notes and reading notes quickly and easily, without them being in your way when you don't need them.
Key Features:
● Easy-to-use interface. Just create, delete and edit notes the way you expect it
● Notes are auto-saved when you change them so you never lose data
● Notes are not in your way: By default, notes stick to your desktop. But if you need them, you can bring them to the front with a single click
● Let Desktop Notes run all the time: It doesn't come with a dock icon, so it doesn't disturb you. A little icon in your menubar - that's all you'll notice
● Create and edit notes even if they stick to your desktop. Use F11 to always get to your notes, even if your monitor is cluttered by windows
● Rich-Text support: Use different fonts and control font size, color and style
● Built so external changes to your notes are recognized and immediatly reflected. This allows you to sync your notes through third party services like Dropbox

A quick and easy calculator to find your blood alcohol content. Using the scientific Widmark formula, you can easily get an estimate of your blood alcohol content based on male/female, weight, your drinks, and how long you have been drinking.
This app is for entertainment purposes only and the results may not be accurate. Please do not base any decisions off of this app.

MailSteward is the ultimate Mac OS X email management Solution. It will archive all of the email in all of your Apple Mail accounts into a database for easy retrieval. Safely archive your large volume of vital email information. Easily access your email database with fast, sophisticated searching. Protect your essential email data from data format obsolescence.

You've got loads of time. Spend it wisely.
FlexTime is versatile timer for your repetitive activities. Set up custom schedules and let your Mac keep you on track. Even send the audio track for your routine to iTunes for on-the-go routine cues.
Schedule regular breaks at your computer. Practice yoga, tai chi, or dance. Combat attention disorders. Improve your rhythm. Follow a recipe. Meditate. Remember the laundry! About the only thing FlexTime can't help you do is list the possibilities.

SilhouetteFX applies a fully-configurable artistic silhouette effect to your images. Open one of your images and the app instantly turns it into a silhouette. Then use the SilhouetteFX inspector panel to adjust the look exactly to your needs, using the color mix sliders to alter the color of the silhouette. Use the threshold slider to adjust the texture of the silhouette. SilhouettesFX comes with built-in presets for various color mixes, and you can easily add and save your own.
SilhouettesFX can process most standard RGB-based pixel format images in any of the normal image file types supported on the Mac, and the app saves your images at the same resolution as the original source image.
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