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Freecom external hard drive formatter. Format your Freecom hard drive with HFS+ or FAT32.

MindNode is an elegant and simple-to-use mindmapping application for collecting, organizing and outlining your thoughts and ideas as mind maps.
Mind maps can be used for many different tasks − including to-do lists, brainstorming, holiday planning, research, writing, project management - and in many different environments − school, meetings, workspace.
● Node Well
New nodes are created directly on the canvas. There is no need to access the toolbar or the application menu.
● Multiple Mind Maps
The ability to create multiple mind maps on one canvas makes MindNode an ideal tool for brainstorming sessions.
● Constrain node width and resize nodes
MindNode allows to automatically constrain the width of a node and to resize the node directly on the canvas.
● No file format lock-in
MindNode support a variety of file formats. You can import and export FreeMind and OPML documents (used by many outlining applications) or export the mind map as PNG image, TIFF image, PDF, RTF or HTML document.
More Mind Mapping:
● MindNode Pro (Mac)
MindNode Pro builds on the same features as the free MindNode version and adds new functionality (folding, images, visual file links, fullscreen mode,…) that helps you improve your productivity.
MindNode Pro is available on the Mac App Store.
● MindNode (touch)
MindNode (touch) makes creating mind maps on the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch extremely easy. Create mind maps with the tip of your finger and send them directly to your Mac for further editing.
MindNode (touch) is available on the iOS AppStore.

Do you like the media browser that Apple includes in some of its applications, but wish you could use it from any application? Now you can.
Use the free Karelia iMedia Browser whenever and wherever you need to access your library of photos, music, videos, and bookmarks.
Handy features include:
Browse Photos: iPhoto / Aperture / Lightroom library, Pictures folder, and other predefined folders.
Browse Music: iTunes library, GarageBand songs, Music folder, etc.
Browse Movies: iTunes and iPhoto libraries, Movies folder, etc.
Browse Links: Bookmarks from Safari, etc.
Drag and drop any folder into the source list to add to your library.
Available from the Dock or the Menu Bar, via application preferences.
Flip window over to control toolbar and caption preferences.

Allows you to view, analyze and store data from your Garmin fitness device on your Mac, as well as plan and save future workouts.

2010年5月号のMac Fanにレビュー記事が紹介されました。
2010年5月号のMac Peopleに紹介されました。

Magic squares has a simple set of rules making it easy to learn while providing more than enough depth to be a challenge. This classic number puzzle game dates back to 650 BCE and still provides many hours of enjoyment today.
There are 25 squares in a grid. The goal is to place numbers so that each row, column, and diagonal add to 65. At the same time, every pair of numbers the same distance from the center add to 26. Hard to believe but there 48,544 solutions to the puzzle - you won't run out of game play anytime soon.
There five levels of game play available with a hint button if you want a little extra help. The provided skins allow you to customize the game to you're liking.

簡単, 高速, シンプルに
? 主な機能 〜 シンプルな操作性 〜
● ディスクアイコンをカタログウインドウにドラッグ&ドロップします。
● ディスクが大量にあるときは、連続スキャンモードを利用します。
● オプションでサムネイル画像を取り込むことができます。
● Finder風の直感的なルック&フィールです。
● カタログは印刷することができます。
● "オリジナルを選択"でFinder上にファイルを表示できます。
● "オリジナルを開く"を使って直接ファイルを開くこともできます。
● "クイックルック"でファイルを開く前に中身を確認できます。
● 名前やその他のファイル属性で検索できます。
● AND,OR,NOTのブール検索が使用できます。
● Spotlightからカタログ内を検索できます。
? その他の特徴
● 高速検索アルゴリズム
● 複数カタログを同時に開いて利用可能
● マルチコア/マルチプロセッサに最適化されたカタログ生成エンジン
● Zip, StuffIt, 7-Zip, RAR, tar, gzip, bzip2, CompactPro, LHAアーカイブファイルからのファイルリストの取り込み
● 拡張性があり大きなデータサイズに対応した信頼できるカタログデータベース形式
● カタログデータの圧縮によるディスク容量の節約
● CD-TEXTフォーマット対応
● ネットワークボリューム上のフォルダのカタログ化が可能
● 長いUnicodeファイル名とアジア圏言語に対応

Image2icon is an application to create icons from images or images from icons, keeping them organized for future use.
Creating an icon is as simple as dropping one or more images into Image2icon and choosing an export format. Creating icons on Mac OS X was never so easy or so much fun, so start customizing your desktop just now!
* Convert most graphic formats, even Photoshop files.
* Store them all inside the history and never lose icons again.
* Convert your icons into images in the same easy way!

FaceTime for Macを使えば、MacとiPhone 4やiPod touchの間でも、Mac同士でも、友だちや家族と話をしながら笑顔を交わしたり、相手が大笑いした顔を見ることができます。すべてが簡単で、設定もあっという間。あなたのApple IDを入力するだけで準備完了です。iPhoneとでも、Mac同士でも、FaceTimeでのビデオ通話はとびきりの美しさ。みんなの顔を見ながら話すのに、これ以上楽しくて便利な方法はありません。
● 設定はクイックで簡単。Apple IDを入力するだけで完了します。
● iPhone 4、iPod touch、ほかのMacとの通話をワンクリックで始められます。
● アドレスブックにある連絡先を使って通話を始められます。連絡先を最初から入力する必要はありません。
● 頻繁に電話する相手を「よく使う項目」リストに追加できます。
● FaceTimeに対応するIntelベースのMacなら、 最大720pのHDビデオ通話を受けることができます*。
● 標準解像度のカメラを搭載したMacでは、Mac同士でVGA画質のビデオ通話ができます。
● ウインドウと再生コントロールが消えるので、会話に集中できます。
● iPhone 4またはiPod touchを使っている相手が、フロントカメラからバックカメラに、または縦向きから縦向きに変えても、ビデオがスムーズに切り替わります。
● ワイドスクリーンのアスペクト比があるので、 家族やグループが通話に参加するのも簡単です。
● Macの美しいディスプレイを隅々まで使って、フルスクリーンのビデオ通話を楽しめます。
● 誰かがあなたを呼び出すと、FaceTimeを立ち上げていなくてもMac上で着信音が鳴ります。
*ビデオ通話には内蔵のFaceTimeカメラ、iSightカメラ(内蔵または外付け)、USBビデオクラス(UVC)カメラ、FireWire DVビデオカメラ、上り、下りともに128Kbpsのインターネット接続が必要です。HDビデオ通話の発信には、内蔵のFaceTime HDカメラと、上り、下りともに1Mbpsのインターネット接続が必要です。HD ビデオ通話を受けるには、FaceTimeに対応するIntelベースのMacが必要です。 (完全なリストは、http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4534をご覧ください).

Are you drowning in stickies? Your desktop cluttered with files? NoteBook is the award-winning application that helps you manage all those bits of information that lack a good home: notes, clippings, to dos, even the e-mails, diagrams and spreadsheets of that important project.
Create electronic notebooks, with sections and subsections, to hold it all. Add notes and other text. Drag in files and folders. "Clip" selections without leaving the application you're working in. Annotate your information with highlighting, keywords, even voice recordings. Find anything instantly using NoteBook's patented indexing system. Then share your Notebooks as PDF, or HTML via your .Mac account. Or take them with you using the iPad version of NoteBook.
Visit http://www.circusponies.com/notebook/stay-organized for more information, including a video tour.

Finding yourself in a real fairytale is every child's dream ― a chance to feel the magic, to command the power of nature or to perform heroic deeds… Now, with Lamp of Aladdin, you too can catch a glimpse of a world where dreams come true and fairytales are real. This is the story of Aladdin's unforgettable adventures with the magic lamp. The lamp gave him everything ― wealth, power, glory ― but the heart of his beloved princess Boudour was beyond even its reach. To earn Boudour's hand, Aladdin must undertake an almost impossible task ― pick the fruit from the magic Tree of Life. With the faithful, funny Genie at his side an adventure beyond belief stands before them, an adventure that will take them to many strange and exciting places including an underwater realm, a secret observatory and even an island in the clouds... Insidious traps, wild magic and a cast of colourful characters await our heroes. Will you help the dextrous Aladdin and sharp-witted Genie find the Tree...?
An intricate plot, charming characters and rich, stirring music create a unique atmosphere, and wonderful graphics and detailed animation make the magic almost touchable! Come now, for an amusing journey to a world of wonder!
Game Features:
- 7 "Hidden object" levels
- Over 70 "Match 3" levels
- 14 Unique trophies
- Voiced by professional actors
- Incomparable graphics and special effects
- Fascinating story

Musket & Artillery (American Revolutionary War) is a strategic style game specially developed for Mac users. It takes you back to the days of the American Revolutionary War, where you can use military tactics to defeat your enemies (economic mode and war mode are available).
You can select to join any of the forces from British, France, United States, Hessen, Germany and Spain which are divided into 2 alliances opposite to each other. You may increase your tax revenues by occupying the territory of your enemy, or you may occupy the enemy’s HQ to get his entire territory. Absolutely, you can construct your territory to receive more taxes.
-12 cards (Construction Card, Draft Card, General Card, Marshal Card, Ship Card, Fortress Card, Cannon Fire Card, etc.)
- 5 challenge levels.
- 5 battles (3 real-happened battles and 2 fictional battles)
- Enhanced risk style combat system (easy, direct and interesting) providing comfortable experience and easing your operation.

- 十分な金貨を用いて、敵を買うことができる。
- 隊列調整のプレー方法。プレーヤーはずっと適切な隊列で維持べきいて、必要でない傷つけることを減らしにくる。
- 操作は簡単です。指を触れて気楽にすべての操作を完成することができるのでさえすれば。くどい思考がなければ、気楽に勝ちを制する。
- キャラクターの成長。キャラクターは成長システムがあって、自分の好きな役を選んで重点的に育成することができる。

Take a tour of the galaxy on you Mac with Cosmic Crawler! Unlike most planetarium software, Cosmic Crawler doesn't confine you to the surface of the Earth and is not limited to giving you maps of constellations, but rather a fully immersive cosmic exploration experience. You can travel throughout the solar system and the galaxy to any of over 100,000 stars, planets, comets, asteroids, spacecraft, extra-solar planets and more. View them in their actual positions and surroundings at any point in space and time, orbit them, travel with them, find eclipses on any body and observe the actual workings of the solar system and galaxy. Jump to any location in the galaxy or fly through the cosmos. Orbit planets and moons illustrated with amazing skins created from NASA and ESA photography. You can even visit extra-solar planets!
All movement in Cosmic Crawler is seamless; the exponential zoom feature lets you explore space across a huge range of scales, from galaxy clusters down to a specific spacecraft only a few meters across. A 'point-and-go' interface makes it simple to navigate through the universe to the object you want to visit.
Cosmic Crawler is also highly customizable with dozens of options and configurations including multiple views/screens.
- Jump to an object or use the object browser, loaded with thousands of objects including planets, comets, asteroids, spacecraft, stars, extra-solar planets and other galaxies. You can even view specific features on objects within the solar system, such as the mountains of Mars or the frozen plains of Europa.
- Follow an object through time or use the orbit, lock phase or chase modes at any range.
- Use the eclipse finder to view future or past eclipses on Earth, the moon, or any planet in the solar system.
- Fly through space using game-like controls for pitch, yaw and roll. Look forward or backward as you fly or track a space object. Fly as fast as you like, even 1 light year per second, the speed of light is not a constraint in Cosmic Crawler.
- Accelerate or reverse time to any point and at any speed. Jump millions of years into the future or past or watch time unfold with amazing animations. You can also view and factor in light speed delays.
- Display labels and orbits for all categories of celestial objects, constellation figures and/or boundaries, a space coordinate system and many other special features.
- Adjust your display settings with dozens of options including star style, brightness, resolution, texture, field of view settings and more.
- Split you screen into multiple subviews to visualize different object simultaneously or the same object from multiple view points.
- Keep track of interesting objects by saving it and the current view via the "Favorites" menu.
- Use the full screen mode for a fully immersive experience

(Sorry statement) The current version has an error that takes the player directly to the win scene after removing two same pieces. It is not a joke, but a big bug. The reason is that I forgot to comment out a debug-line after having done something elsewhere.
I have submitted a new version to Apple and asked them to expediate its review if possible. It is my fault. And I sincerely apologize for it.
The game itself is very interesting. But please don't purchase now unless you want to see what the last hidden scence is. For people who want to play the game as earlier as possible, please consider the same game for iPhone/iPad/iPod. The address is:
And recent user comments are
1. (canada)
"Magic Game!"
2. (USA)
"I am sooo addicted to this game, but it is extremely difficult. I have played it over and over again and have yet to beat it. My only complaint would be that I would like a different tile set as this one makes it harder. I did download the extra thing with this game and found out that for 99c I bought a background color. Overall great game!!!!"
Finally, I want to say sorry again. And please accept my applogize.
Thank you.
Shen Zhongyuan
1. 中国語、英語、日本語と繁體字中国語、フランス語、ドイツ語、オランダ語、スペイン語、ロシア語、イタリア語をサポートします。
2. ベストタイムのローカルランギングをサポートします。
Introduction of Zhongyuan Mahjong
This is a game of Mahjong solitaire with very simple rules but by no means a game being easy to win. It is not only a game that kills your boring time, but a game that lets you feel the success as well.
1)Game goal
Remove two same pieces each time until all pieces are removed.
2)Game rules
To remove two same pieces, click and move one or more than one pieces by maximum one time so that there are no other pieces between these two pieces. The clicked piece must be one of the removed pieces.
Note: There are four same pieces for each group of piece. You can confirm them before you start to play. Small font-size of numbers and different colors at left or right up-corner might help you to make a pair.
3)Game features
The game proceeds with no hints, no help and no re-try. There is no any assistance to you except your own hard thinking and lucky chances.
1. It supports Chinese, English, Japanese and Traditional Chinese, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Spanish and Russian.
2. It supports local leadearboard of best time.
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