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TO DOなどの「やるべきこと」を簡単に管理できるソフト。ビジネスなど確実に忘れずにやらないと行けないことが次々と出てくる場面で、重宝するTO DO管理の決定版的存在だ。iCalやiPhone版の同名ソフトと連携も可能なので便利。TO DOソフトに5000円近くというのは賛否ありますが、TO DO作成や管理自体が面倒だと意味がなく、その面では、非常におすすめの1本です。実際に仕事で重宝しています。

Mac OS X のための開発されたビジュアルベースのタスク管理アプリケーション。
"直感的で視覚的" ― 際限なく伸びるタスクリストはもうイヤだ、プールを使ってもっと視覚的に、楽しくタスクを管理。
"素早く To Do を作成" ― 名前をつけて、フラグをつけて、関連のあるアプリケーションショートカットも簡単に設定。
"グループ分け" ― 一緒にしたい To Do をドラッグして近づけるだけで自動的にグループ化。


MacでおなじみOmni社のアイディア管理・スケジュール管理アプリ。思いついたアイディアや考えやTo doを簡単に管理できるように工夫されている。

*NOTE* If the app looks like it isn't opening, check the menu bar at the top of your screen for the little ruby red shoes. It is controlled from the menu bar.
Toto is a dead simple to-do list manager for the Mac and iPhone.
Managing your to-do list shouldn't get in the way of completing your tasks. Toto tries to solve that problem.
New in 2.0:
TotoSync, Toto for the desktop and Toto Touch, for the iPhone, can now talk to eachother. This lets you keep your list up to date no matter where you are.
Keyboard shortcuts.

Yelling Robot is a personal desktop robot that gets you back on task by yelling phrases at you on regular time intervals.
- Minimalist user-interface
- Animated avatar
- A Questionaire that will be used in the phrases
- Create a nick-name for your robot
- Customizable time interval
With all of the distractions surrounding us, who would be better suited to get you back on task than a Yelling Robot?

Schoolhouse is a powerful Mac academic management app for students. It makes it easy to manage your homework, grades, schedule and the rest of your school life.
★ Best Student-created Mac App, 2010 Ars Design Awards
Use Schoolhouse to:
● Build lists of your homework, exams and tasks
● Keep tabs on assignment scores and overall course grades
● Manage sets of files for a project and access them easily
● Visualize your course schedule and never be late
● Calendar: See your tasks by week and month for a fast look into your work
● Class Schedule: View your classes, mark cancellations and plan accordingly
● Grading: Calculated course grades keep you on top of your classes
● Smart Notebooks: Organize your tasks by smart criteria as easily as music in iTunes
● Appearance Rules: Change the color and style of tasks using smart criteria
● Websites: Quick access to course and institution websites
● Files: Attach documents and media files to your tasks for quick access
● Dock Badge: Heads up on how many tasks you need to work on
● Quick Entry: Use a shortcut key to pop up a new task panel from within any application
● MobileMe Sync: Sync your library between multiple Macs using your MobileMe account

Basejump integrates with your Basecamp account and provides the following features:
√ The latest updates on your project status, new todo lists, posted messages and more.
√ Quick access to all of your project overviews, todo lists, milestones and message boards.
√ Accessible from the menubar for quick access.
√ Automatically reflects changes in your project lists - no more having to manually create and maintain bookmarks in Safari.
√ Easy to set up and easy to use.

The Ovulation Calendar helps you determine your fertile days of the month, so you can either achieve or avoid pregnancy. The calendar is based on the date of your last period, the average Period Length and the Luteal Phase. With this information a chart is generated for each month, including details such as the next period date, the best days to conceive a boy or a girl, your ovulation day and when you should abstain to avoid a pregnancy.
- Saves up to 5 different menses types.
- Predicts fertile and low fertile days of the month.
- Predicts future ovulation and periods.
- Saves Basal Body Temperature measurements.
- Saves symptoms related to the menstrual period.
- Able to add special notes to every day.
- Charts the BBT temperatures entered for better determination of the ovulation day.
- Highly customizable.

The Ovulation Calendar Express helps you determine your fertile days of the month, so you can either achieve or avoid pregnancy. The calendar is based on the date of your last period, the average Period Length and the Luteal Phase. With this information a calendar is created for each month, including details such as the next period date, the best days to conceive a boy or a girl, your ovulation day and when you should abstain from intimate relations to avoid pregnancy.
If you need to save your whole calendar history, your irregular periods, keep track of your BBT, weight, mood, etc, check out our Ovulation Calendar for Mac which gives you a very rich feature set.

Stomper allows you to quickly track your time in the excellent case tracking software [FogBugz](http://fogbugz.com)
Simply sign in using your account credentials and you will be able to view all of your active cases and log time on any of them with a single click.
We are really excited about continuing development on Stomper to be the application that you need to help keep track of your work in FogBugz. Please submit any features to cases@urbanfort.fogbugz.com and thanks for purchasing.

Horizon is a unique financial management application that uses a one-of-a-kind calendar interface. To record income and payments, you simply click on a date and enter an amount. Horizon gives you the ability to categorize your incomes and expenditures, repeat re-occuring events, and quickly summarize everything between any two points in time.
You can hide and show different categories to focus on different aspects of your finances. You can move back and forward through time to see what things will be like next month, six months for now, or next year.
Horizon provides the following special features:
Simple data entry: just double-click on a date and enter the value.
Drag and drop to move copy/cells.
Build equations with almost no typing, using point-and-click references.
Use relative references, such as "yesterday", "last week", "last month". "last year".
Easy to use functions to total, count, average, and find highest and lowest values for a range of dates.
Simple repeat system for regular daily, weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly entries.
extensive on-line help in Apple Help Book form.
Brand new in version 2.0: edit-in-place data cells, simplified, 'infinite' repeats, a new equation editor, a new animated calendar navigator, and much more!



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