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「Mac ソフトサーチ」+「Mac アプリサーチ」のコンテンツ検索
Mac App Storeで公開されているMac用アプリのみ紹介しています。
アプリはどんどん増え、どんどんアップデートされていくため、行き届かない点があるかもしれません。リンク切れ等の問題を発見なされた場合、お手数ですが、タイトル下の 「管理者に通知」 を押し、教えてください。
気に入ったアプリは 「マイアプリに追加」しておくか、「メールで紹介」すると便利です。
アプリのタイトルをクリックすると、Apple社のリンクシステム上、自動的にアプリケーション「App Store」が立ち上がるか、Appストアにつながります。Safari以外では連携の悪い場合があります。
iPad、iPhone、iPod touch用のネイティブ・フォーム・ベースト・アプリケーションをつくりましょう。コーディングの必要は一切、ありません。
プロダクティブでスタイリッシュな iPad、iPhone、iPod touch用アプリケーションをつくるために必要な開発ツールキットは、FormEntry for Macだけです。
ソフトウェア開発を学ぶ忍耐力を、すべての人がもちあわせているわけではありません。しかし、FormEntry があれば、誰でもアプリケーションを開発できます。使いやすいMac 用ソフトウェアを目指し、徹底してデザインされたFormEntry。FormEntryは、誰しもをアプリケーション作者にすることができるのです。
さらに、FormEntry は、Mac、iPad、iPhone、iPod touchのエコシステムを共有し、あなたの開発したフォーム・ベースト・アプリケーションをより面白いものとします。Appleが掲げる “It Just Works” は改めて、素晴らしい。シンプルに設計、シンプルに利用。
アプリケーション開発に必要な FormEntry Touch は、the App Store で無料配布中です。
Absolutely no technical knowledge, programming skill or web design experience is required. With an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, anyone can learn to create and publish a mobile advertising micro site within minutes.
Wow your users - Include flashy animations, pictures and videos to ensure your app stands out of the crowd.
Create apps in Minutes - Using our Drag and Drop interface, you can turn your idea into a real working app in minutes.
As Easy as using PowerPoint - Learning MobDis takes only 15 minutes. Just watch our demo and you are now a MobDis Ninja
Spread The Love - We love our iPhones but there are also other phones that people use out there. MobDis is based on HTML 5 so MobDis apps works for iPhone/Android and the BlackBerry 6.
Unique Looking Apps - Unlike existing tools out there, we do not use templates. You can make almost any type of site you can think of. None of that "You have to place that image there" or "You can just change the color of the background". This means everyone can have their own unique site and you won't end up with a embarrassingly similar site as your competitor.
To view a showreel of sample work created with MobDis: http://mobdis.com/case-studies/.
OAuth for Mac eases this pain by providing a simple to use utility which can handle the OAuth process for you, and quickly get you to the data you're after.
Save your OAuth profiles to your Mac and quickly pull new data in a matter of seconds.
You must download the CORRECT examples from
These include the correct tutorials, assets sprites and sounds for use with GM4Mac.
Do you want to develop computer games without spending countless hours learning how to become a programmer? Then you've come to the right place. New Game Maker For Mac allows you to make exciting computer games, without the need to write a single line of code.
Making games with Game Maker is a lot of fun! Using easy to learn drag-and-drop actions, you can create professional looking games within very little time. You can make games complete with backgrounds, animated graphics, music and sound effects. And when you've become more experienced, there is a built-in programming language, which gives you the full flexibility of creating games with Game Maker and even allows you to make 3D games!
You can do anything you want with the games you produce, you can even sell them!
You too can join the hundreds of thousands of users world-wide, who love creating games with Game Maker!
? Single window with all your repositories, non-pushed/pulled commits, working directory changes.
? One-click commit, push and pull.
? Automatic fetch from remote servers.
? Integration with many popular diff tools (Kaleidoscope, Changes etc.)
? Visually compare and merge branches.
? Drag and drop file from history.
? Quick Look for files in history.
? Great keyboard shortcuts and navigation.
? Fast and super-responsive user interface.
? Instant sync with the file system, smooth integration with Terminal.
Try a free version with a limit of 3 repositories at http://gitboxapp.com
You can clone and pull using Git, SSH and HTTP(S) protocols. Repositories and clones on the local and networking filesystems are also supported.
HTTP(S) authentication is not supported yet.
Gitbox is powered by the standard build of Git 1.7 which is protected by GNU General Public License Version 2. Gitbox neither links (statically or dynamically) with Git nor uses specific APIs to work with Git. You can obtain Git source code at the following address: http://git-scm.com/ See Legal Info in the app for details.
- Creates buttons and other application controls with pixel-perfect precision
- Automatically renders high-resolution “@2x” images for use with the iPhone 4
- Creates custom color gradients with up to 8 color-stops
- Text content is accurately rendered and can include an optional shadow
- Designs can be saved as a single image, 3-part image or 9-part image for automatic scaling
- CSS output can be generated for use in an external file or as an inline style element
- Generates custom CSS for WebKit and Mozilla
- Designs can be saved as Presets
- Up to 3 Presets can be combined in a single file for use as a “rollover” image for the web
Setting up Core Data Editor is very easy. Click on the Configurations icon in the tool bar and add a new Configuration. Enter the path to the model, a persistent store and a type. You are ready to go! Boy that was easy.
Search and binary attributes:
Core Data Editor lets you find managed objects very easily. You can search by every attribute you wish.
How does Core Data Editor handle binary attributes? Very well! It displays the size of the binary value and lets you open the binary value in Preview with just one click. You can also set binary values to nil or to any value you wish.