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「Mac ソフトサーチ」+「Mac アプリサーチ」のコンテンツ検索
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気に入ったアプリは 「マイアプリに追加」しておくか、「メールで紹介」すると便利です。
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(iPhone/iPad向けのアプリもよろしくお願いします。一覧はこちら: http://j.mp/UnitKayIOSApps )
- iCal に登録
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- 「お好み発売日情報」のお気に入りに追加
- 詳細ページ(Amazon)を表示
「お好み発売日情報」をMacのログイン項目に追加しておくと、ユーザーがMacにログインしたあとに、アプリが自動的に起動して、最新情報をインターネットから取得し、リリース情報を更新します。更新処理は 24 時間ごとに自動的に行われるので、新作を見逃すことがなくなります。
商品の種類に「すべて」を選択すると、書籍やCDに限らずAmazonで扱いのあるすべての商品からリリース情報を取得できます。例: 文房具、キッチン用品、時計、ホビーなど
注:ネットワークエラーが頻繁に発生し申し訳ありません。リリース情報はAmazon US/UK/DE/FR/JP/CAの各サーバーから取得しております。Amazonのサーバー側のアクセス制限により、アクセスが集中するとデータを取得できません。特にアクセスが集中する夜間には取得エラーが頻繁に発生します。大変お手数ですが、取得エラーが発生した場合は別の時間帯に再読み込みして頂くようお願い致します。
ModelBaker delivers a clear and simple unified interface for all web novices, students, business analysts, graphic designers and web gurus.
- MVC software design pattern
ModelBaker leverages CakePHP and best practices such as the Model-View-Controller paradigm.
- Entity Models
As the foundation for the MVC design pattern, adding entity models, backed by either a SQL table or not, is as easy a s button click.
- Model Relationships
Add simple or complex associations rules.
- Visualize your models
Work at a higher level of abstraction with the model diagram editor when you create entity models, add attributes and join other relationships with other models.
- Model Attributes
Whether you are creating a mailing address or an order invoice, adding attributes and their types can all be generated to web forms for user input.
- Validation Rules
When users add or update your web app, apply the validation rules you need for each attribute.
-フィルタービュー: お探しのものが素早く、簡単に見つけられるように、様々な属性別に絞り込むことが可能です。
-バーコードのワイヤレス スキャンには、ブルートゥース バーコードスキャナーをご利用ください。
-素早く、簡単なバーコード入力には、USB バーコード スキャナーをご利用ください。
Booxterは異なるオンライン ソースを検索することが出来ます。しかもまだまだ追加予定です。
-iPhone/iPod Touchへのエクスポートが可能:無料の付随アプリケーションをご利用いただくことにより、簡単にライブラリを持ち歩けます。
-昔のiPod Classicへのエクスポートも可能。
Booxterは日本語でご利用いただけます。Booxterが提供しているその他様々な素晴らしい機能については、ヘルプメニューのTips and Tricks(ヒントとコツ)セクションをご覧ください。Booxterをお試しいただきありがとうございます!ご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせください。
- 高速検索アルゴリズム
- マルチコア/マルチプロセッサに最適化されたカタログ生成エンジン
- 拡張性があり大きなデータサイズに対応した信頼できるカタログデータベース形式
- カタログデータの圧縮によるディスク容量の節約
- CD-TEXTフォーマット対応
- ネットワークボリューム上のフォルダのカタログ化が可能
- 長いUnicodeファイル名とアジア圏言語に対応
Use it to find the right card for your deck, together with pricing information so you will never be on the bad end of a trade. Build your deck, analyze it, test it, and finally share it with your friends.
Based on the acclaimed Decked Builder for the iPhone, read what our users have to say about our iPhone app:
"Love this app, has replaced all my custom spreadsheets.... Well worth the investment!"
- Jeff Warwick
"I love the app. By far the most stable of the deck-building apps on my 3G.... Thanks for a great app!"
- Tim Miller
"I'm a Spanish Magic The Gathering player (Legacy & Vintage).... I have downloaded the new version of your App. It's great... Most of the El Nucli players and Arbitrer (store in Barcelone) are already using your App."
- Marc Sanz Ghigo
The Lite version of Decked Builder comes loaded with Magic 2011, Zendikar block, Shards of Alara block and Shadowmoor block cards. Upgrade to the full version to enjoy access to the entire Magic card universe.
* The entire Magic card database, at your fingertips
- Instant search results with no Internet connection as the database is stored locally
- Search for cards by any combination of card expansion, rarity, color, type or cost
- Searches also allow full card text lookup. Find every Landfall card, Elf, Vampire or any other attribute that has ever been printed.
- Almost every card available on Gatherer, including online only Masters Edition cards.
* Construct and test your decks, right on your device
- Build deck listings and sideboards
- Easily test sample draws from the deck
- Full Apprentice .dec support
* Integration with external data sources
- Purchaseable card prices are automatically available, courtesy of TCGplayer.com. Never make a bad trade ever again!
- Card art is automatically retrieved and cached locally
If you have any feature requests please let me know and I will do my best to integrate them in Wines!
Features include:
- Three views of your wine information: thumbnail view, list view, and hierarchical browser view; each reflective of the other.
- Not restricted to pre-set keywords for fields. You can add your own entries in your own language.
- Ability to search and retrieve information using multiple selectors to narrow your search (e.g. Search by country, varietal AND vineyard).
- Comments field where you can add your own notes.
- Ability to store photos of wine labels.
- Program does not require an internet connection. Connection only required for syncing.
- Can store up to 2000 wine entries.
- Stores your entire collection in a single file which is portable to other computers.
- Can sync up to 500 wines to the cloud. This uses a secure connection (SSL). Account in cloud is free with no subscription fee.
- Flag wines you don't want to sync to the cloud.
- Wines synchronized to the cloud can be synchronized to the iPhone/iPad version of Cadent wineCellar, or can be accessed from the secure web site: https://www.cadentcomputing.com/cloud/
See product web site for demo videos
? Single window with all your repositories, non-pushed/pulled commits, working directory changes.
? One-click commit, push and pull.
? Automatic fetch from remote servers.
? Integration with many popular diff tools (Kaleidoscope, Changes etc.)
? Visually compare and merge branches.
? Drag and drop file from history.
? Quick Look for files in history.
? Great keyboard shortcuts and navigation.
? Fast and super-responsive user interface.
? Instant sync with the file system, smooth integration with Terminal.
Try a free version with a limit of 3 repositories at http://gitboxapp.com
You can clone and pull using Git, SSH and HTTP(S) protocols. Repositories and clones on the local and networking filesystems are also supported.
HTTP(S) authentication is not supported yet.
Gitbox is powered by the standard build of Git 1.7 which is protected by GNU General Public License Version 2. Gitbox neither links (statically or dynamically) with Git nor uses specific APIs to work with Git. You can obtain Git source code at the following address: http://git-scm.com/ See Legal Info in the app for details.
The main logbook screen is uncluttered and provides a wealth of information without having to drill through other screens or menus. The top half of the screen shows the most recent logbook entries -- just like a paper logbook. The lower section provides summary totals and currency information. The currency and date expirations are clearly color-coded to visually alert the pilot well in advance of expiration without the need for annoying pop-up windows.
Version 3 includes 12 additional aircraft categories to log flight time against. New entries include Multi-Engine Land, Multi-Engine Center Line Thrust, Multi-Engine Sea, Single Engine Sea, Glider, Helicopter, Rotorcraft, Gyroplane, Airship, Free Balloon, Lighter-Than-Air and Second in Command. One or more of these features can be activated from within the Preferences screen. Also new with this release is the ability to export the logbook for custom analysis and reporting.
Total flight time is recorded using either Hobbs Start/Stop time or as a direct entry. Log entries incorporate extensive error checking to keep logs accurate. Accelerator keys make data entry fast and painless. The system automatically tracks Day, Night and Instrument currency and keeps this information visible on the main screen at all times. It also automatically captures High Performance, Complex and Tailwheel time based on the type of aircraft flown. Additionally, users can track time against unlimited custom parameters and type ratings, all while keeping the user interface simple and user- friendly.
Pilots can begin their logbooks from any point in time, record historical totals, then begin using Pilot eLog from that point forward. Recording a new endorsement, rating or BFR check ride automatically updates the BFR expiration information. Other features include 17 professionally designed reports and endorsements, complete text to many logbook-related FAR's, links to both the FAA and FAR reference sites, and immediate viewing of day, night and instrument currency plus BFR and medical expiration dates.
For security, logbook data is stored locally on the pilot’s computer, not someone else’s server. Built-in backup and restore functions ensure long-term data integrity.
Additional information is available on the company’s web site.
In MacFamilyTree, entering persons, their relationships and cornerstone events in your family's history is easier than ever. Store photographies of your ancestors directly in their person profiles, preserve birth certificates, marriage certificates, excerpts from church registers or newspaper articles as sources which verify your data.
■ Interview contemporary witnesses and store audio and video recordings along with your own notes
■ Use the ToDo feature to stay ahead of your tasks, like investigating a person more closely
■ Search renowned internet sources from within MacFamilyTree and conveniently add the new information to your own data
■ The Web Export feature lets you publish your family tree as a website
■ The further enhanced GEDCOM import and export helps collaborating and exchanging information with a relative more easily
If you own an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, the separately available MobileFamilyTree application allows you to continue your research on the go. Save time that, otherwise, you'd spend scribbling notes and then transcribing them later on by directly entering the data in MobileFamilyTree. After the work is done, simply sync the new information with MacFamilyTree so your new discoveries will be up to date on your Mac, as well.
MacFamilyTree speaks 15 different languages. A comprehensive User Guide, regularly updated questions and answers and video tutorials on our website make your first steps as easy as possible. Start researching your family tree today with MacFamilyTree.
For using the Portuguese version of iFinance, Brazilian Portuguese has to be active on your Mac. This can be achieved by opening the system preferences and the language settings. Add Brazilian Portuguese as new language and drag it above "english".
User Reviews:
"I really love this app. It's wonderful in every way, and it's by far the best genealogy program I have seen"
"Finally a good modern genealogy application for Mac OS X. The developer is very responsive and the frequent updates with new functions are great"
"Brilliant program for keeping track of your family history. You don't have to be a genius to work it out either. Excellent!"
"Awesome app for my Mac, and is great for me to get an overview of my whole family"
Elegant: all of the different modules are unified under one application and use the elegance of Apple's current software products. Our design helps minimize the learning curve for our end users. No more having to use multiple software from multiple developers. No more having to deal with all of those individual developers. One beautiful look in one place!
Powerful: calculate and save changes behind the scenes, protect teachers from having to deal with grade averages, score calculations, finding out which assignments are missing from students, and so on.... Click, click, click and go!
Simple: everything you need to do is 3 clicks or less away
----- ONLY $59.99 (USD) UNTIL FEB 28, 2011 -----
To celebrate our move to the Mac App Store, we are selling Teacher Studio for $59.99 (USD) - for a limited time only. After February 2011, the price will go back up to $79.95 (USD).
Logiciel de gestion financie`re pour entreprises, inde´pendants, professions libe´rales.
Devis, bons de livraison, factures, suivi de tre´sorerie, rapprochement par Internet, re`glements, analyse des chiffres, calcul de la de´claration de TVA, export comptable vers la comptabilite´ du comptable.
Une demi-journe´e de formation offerte (voir conditions sur le site Innomatix).
Propose´ par Innomatix, e´diteur francais de logiciels depuis 20 ans.
Support technique te´le´phonique et par email gratuit, appel non surtaxe´.
* Enter Your Information Fast *
Enter dozens of items in seconds, all in one dialog box, with Quick Add. Select multiple items and apply tags and other details with Quick Apply. Access everything with keyboard shortcuts.
* Generate Insurance Reports*
Generate a report of all or some items with one click. Reports automatically calculate the total estimated value of your things. The report can be printed or saved as a PDF and e-mailed.
* Keep Track of Warranties *
Compartments keeps track of everything you need to know about your products: serial numbers, purchase dates, scanned or photographed receipts, and the exact date of your warranty expiration.
*Organize With Smart Collections
Search for anything by name, tag, or type and then save the search as an auto-updating smart collection.
Giftory can also help with setting and keeping detailed budgets for any gift-giving occasion. It allows you to set up a budget for any occasion, and set individual spending limits for how much you will spend on someone, and even how much others are allowed to spend, such as the case where you set a limit for how much you will spend on each of your children and how much they get to spend on each other and on their parents.
Giftory makes shopping from home easier by integrating with online shopping services, giving you the ability to search for gifts through those services and buy them securely through your chosen web browser.
Giftory is also useful to members of the family who will do more receiving then giving. It supports building wish lists that any member of the household can create and post to their account on your Mac, so that other members of the family can access it from their own accounts. You can also publish wish lists to a MobileMe account, so that anyone, anywhere, can access them. An iPhone app, already available on the App Store, lets you access those wish lists while you are out shopping for gifts.
If your gift giving entails more than a short list of gifts you can write on a sticky note, Giftory can help you.
If you're shopping on a budget, Giftory can help you.
If you don't want to give the same gift twice but have a bad memory for what you've given to whom, Giftory can help you.
If you have multiple children and it's important to you to buy them the same number of gifts and/or spend the same amount of money on each of them, Giftory can help you.