いよいよ始まりましたね、Mac App Store。リンクは「Safari」でクリックすると、自動で簡単にMac App Storeアプリが立ち上がり、便利です。

このページではこのカテゴリに属するMac App Storeアプリのみ紹介しています。Mac App Store同様、品揃えがまだ不十分です。最後まで見ましたら、圧倒的に数の多い「Mac OS X ソフトウェアサーチ」の同じカテゴリも探してみてください。

Mac OS X ソフトウェアサーチの同じカテゴリ】を見る

「Mac OS X アプリサーチ」の検索エンジンで検索

他のカテゴリ ヘルプ】 【このカテゴリに新規登録

「Mac ソフトサーチ」+「Mac アプリサーチ」のコンテンツ検索

[カテゴリ別]: 人気ランキング

Mac App Storeで公開されているMac用アプリのみ紹介しています。

アプリはどんどん増え、どんどんアップデートされていくため、行き届かない点があるかもしれません。リンク切れ等の問題を発見なされた場合、お手数ですが、タイトル下の 「管理者に通知」 を押し、教えてください。


気に入ったアプリは 「マイアプリに追加」しておくか、「メールで紹介」すると便利です。

アプリのタイトルをクリックすると、Apple社のリンクシステム上、自動的にアプリケーション「App Store」が立ち上がるか、Appストアにつながります。Safari以外では連携の悪い場合があります。



  1 - 2 ( 2 件中 ) 

ConceptLink is a powerful yet easy-to-use data and knowledge management system for organizing, entering, browsing, plotting, and querying dynamic data, knowledge and conceptual information. ConceptLink was designed exclusively for the Mac and takes advantage of the powerful features that the platform has to offer.
ConceptLink is a database of concepts which hierarchically extend and link to each other. Each concept contains a set of attributes whose values change over time. Attributes values can be static data or more complex definitions which perform powerful calculations using a feature-rich programming language. Attribute values are determined dynamically with simulation and events which means they can reference any other information defined in the system. ConceptLink includes a large and growing pre-supplied ontology of general knowledge and world statistics which can easily be extended.
Concepts are linked in a fashion similar to how the web works − to create a link, simply reference the concept name, and in browsing, click on a concept name to jump to it. ConceptLink’s data entry system allows attributes to be set in real-time or historically in time-series with the event editor. Each concept and its attributes may have an associated natural-language description, with its definition, explanation, associated notes or PDF document.
ConceptLink is a powerful object-oriented symbolic calculator. Concepts may extend several other concepts, inheriting the attributes and events form those concepts extended. The concept browser allows concepts to be searched based on those extended or not extended. Advanced users can utilize the integrated scripting systems to perform operations on sets of concepts, query sets of concepts based on a predicate, and more. The networking mode allows any ConceptLink application to be run as either a server or a client. The server hosts the ontology and clients connect to it in order to browse or edit, seamlessly, the same as if running in stand-alone mode.
The link graph view allows for visualizing the connections between concepts. ConceptLink features an integrated plotting system which allows a set of concepts and attributes to be easily plotted.
  1 - 2 ( 2 件中 )