いよいよ始まりましたね、Mac App Store。リンクは「Safari」でクリックすると、自動で簡単にMac App Storeアプリが立ち上がり、便利です。

このページではこのカテゴリに属するMac App Storeアプリのみ紹介しています。Mac App Store同様、品揃えがまだ不十分です。最後まで見ましたら、圧倒的に数の多い「Mac OS X ソフトウェアサーチ」の同じカテゴリも探してみてください。

Mac OS X ソフトウェアサーチの同じカテゴリ】を見る

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他のカテゴリ ヘルプ】 【このカテゴリに新規登録

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[カテゴリ別]: 人気ランキング

Mac App Storeで公開されているMac用アプリのみ紹介しています。

アプリはどんどん増え、どんどんアップデートされていくため、行き届かない点があるかもしれません。リンク切れ等の問題を発見なされた場合、お手数ですが、タイトル下の 「管理者に通知」 を押し、教えてください。


気に入ったアプリは 「マイアプリに追加」しておくか、「メールで紹介」すると便利です。

アプリのタイトルをクリックすると、Apple社のリンクシステム上、自動的にアプリケーション「App Store」が立ち上がるか、Appストアにつながります。Safari以外では連携の悪い場合があります。



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Mac OS X 用テキストエディターの定番。タブウインドウ、ファイルドロワ、不連続レイアウト、矩形ペースト、入力補完機能、スマートインデックス、スマートクォート、日本語と英語のスマート分離、スマートURLリンク、英文法チェック、より洗練された環境設定パネルなどの 新機能が満載 。Snow Leopardの新機能-自動スペル修正、自動テキスト置換、データ自動検出などにも対応しています。
なお、Jedit X Standard は Mac App Store の規則により JDiff, JChecker のプラグインが追加できません。プラグインもご利用する場合は当社サイトから Jedit Xを購入してください。


Traveling to and from work, while exercising, or waiting in line - find your smile in a book with Audiobook Builder!
Audiobook Builder makes it easy to turn your audio CDs and files into audiobooks for your iPhone, iPod or iPad. Join audio, create enhanced chapter stops, adjust quality settings and let Audiobook Builder handle the rest. When it finishes you get one or a few audiobook tracks in iTunes instead of hundreds or even thousands of music tracks!

World Book(R) Notepad is an easy-to-use, customizable word-processing application. Originally integrated into World Book Encyclopedia to help students create their own reports using the World Book content, you can now use it with or without World Book for preparing reports, essays, or any other documents. Worried your 2,000-word composition might be too long? No need to count the words one by one − just use Notepad’s Statistics sheet and you'll instantly see the number of pages, words, and characters in your document. There's also a handy Font Drawer that displays WYSIWYG font faces − making it easier than ever to find just the right look for your documents. Other features include floating images, resizing options for document graphics, page breaks, headers and footers, and page numbering.

Core Data Editor lets you easily have a look at applications data. In addition to that Core Data Editor lets you also add, delete and modify the data you are looking at in an easy and comfortable way.
Setting up Core Data Editor is very easy. Click on the Configurations icon in the tool bar and add a new Configuration. Enter the path to the model, a persistent store and a type. You are ready to go! Boy that was easy.
Search and binary attributes:
Core Data Editor lets you find managed objects very easily. You can search by every attribute you wish.
How does Core Data Editor handle binary attributes? Very well! It displays the size of the binary value and lets you open the binary value in Preview with just one click. You can also set binary values to nil or to any value you wish.

Writing a novel is a creative process and like all creative
processes, sometimes it’s hard to get started. StoryMill will
be appreciated by the professional novel writer, but we really
designed it for folks like you. With StoryMill, you can take
your idea for mystery, romance, adventure, action or science
fiction and turn it into that novel you know is within but just
needs a little help getting out.
StoryMill is built so that you can develop your characters,
locations and all the other elements of your story. You can
set a daily writing goal and keep track of it using the
Progress Meter. There are handy things to help you keep
track of cliches and monitor how many times you use a word.
There’s a place for all your research − add pictures, files and
notes right into StoryMill − keeping it altogether and available
whenever you need it.
StoryMill is the only novel writing app that includes a
Timeline feature. Visually and interactively displaying a story
across time, you can arrange the scenes of your novel in
chronological order. Bottom line...StoryMill gives you all the
tools you’ll need for writing your own best seller.
"Each time I delve deeper into StoryMill and take more full
advantage of its abundant resources, the writing process
just gets simpler and simpler."
Ridley Pearson
NYT Best Selling Author
"StoryMill provides an impressive workflow approach and
toolset that can’t be replicated in your current word
4 out of 5 Mice

Writer is a minimal text editor. It strips away all text formatting and focuses on the writing.
When other applications start distracting your creative workflow, easily switch to fullscreen mode. Writer was designed to be used both in windowed and fullscreen mode so you can access all the tools from either view.
Most writing involves referencing other work and with Writer's pin-down feature you can keep your documents while looking up articles or other documents. Never lose track of your documents in window clutter.
Word count is an important tool in a writer's text editor. That's why Writer was built from the ground up to support robust word count that keeps counting long after other text editors hang and crash.

強力にして使い勝手のよいテキストエディタ。web HTMLプログラミングやスクリプト編集に便利な機能も備えている。iTunesのように左メニューにテキストファイルを左メニューにプレビュー付きで表示してくれるのも便利。HTMLやCSSのひな形を挿入できたり人気もある。


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