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IkeOto 〜Sound Arrangement〜は普段は発せられると消えていってしまう身近な音を再構成して重ねていくことで、どんな音素材であっても音楽的に生まれ変わらせてしまうメディアアート作品です。
*How to use
1, Adjust volumes and mic input level via mac preference and sensitivity slider.
2, Input a sound into mic. If the sound is louder than the threshold level, a musical loop will start and mix. If the loops become feedback, please adjust the sensitivity slider.
3, Pressing the Octave Shift Buttons(Right:UP Left:Down), you can change the play speed of newest loop.
4, Enjpy!!!
Support :: http://twitter.com/yamo_o

Voice Candy is a fun and useful recorder for the Mac. It does for the microphone what Apple's Photo Booth does for the web cam. Voice Candy makes recording enjoyable by providing eight different effects, such as Vader and Chipmunk, to alter the speaker's voice. Once you have made the recording, you can use it to set a reminder, send an email, or take it with you on your iPod. You can also extend the capabilities of Voice Candy by writing AppleScripts to integrate with other applications.
Features include:
● 8 different effects to record with that alters your voice
● Set a reminder alarm with your recording
● You can snooze the alarm
● Global shortcut key setting
● Run as a menu app
● Email recording
● Send recording to iTunes
● Extendable through AppleScript

Sound Studio は、コンピュータを使ったオーディオのデジタル録音や編集を簡単に行うことができるアプリケーションです。Sound Studio を使えば、レコードやテープからのデジタイズ、ライブパフォーマンスの録音、クロスフェード付きのミックス、レベル調整やイコライザ、デジタルエフェクトの適用などを行い、さまざまなファイル形式で保存できます。
Sound Studioでは、Podcastやその他音声をプロフェッショナルな音で録音することができます。話し言葉、スピーチ、プレゼンテーション、音楽、その他どんなオーディオでも、変わらない正確さで録音・編集ができます。さらに、AIFF、WAVE、MPEG-4 AAC、 Ogg Vorbis、ほか数多くのスタンダードファイル形式で保存する事ができます。
- 出力レベルメータ
- 新しいユーザインタフェースで、必要な物がすべて1つのウィンドウに
- サイドバーにマーカをリスト
- 再生と録音トランスポートのシンプル化
- 64-ビットと32-ビットの両方に対応
- オーディオユニット・ホスティングが改善

TapeDeck is a powerful and fun audio recorder for Mac OS X. It’s just like your old analog tape recorder, only better. A lot better.
You're never more than a single mouse click (or keystroke) away from making a new recording, which are called, unsurprisingly, “tapes.” TapeDeck records directly to compressed MP4-AAC or Apple Lossless audio, making it equally useful for quick high-fidelity samples or hours and hours of lecture.
TapeDeck is perfect for musicians that are trying to quickly capture their ideas, students looking for a simple way to record their lectures, or people in the business world that require a no-nonsense recording solution for meetings and dictations.

Record everything. By integrating traditional text notes with audio, video, and slides, Pear Note ensures that you never miss a thing.
Do you:
Look at your notes and wonder what they mean?
Pear Note can jump straight to the point in the recording where you typed that note, so you can listen to what was going on at the time and use the recording to interpret your notes.
Find that your notes have large gaps?
Pear Note lets you navigate to the end of the notes you did take, so you can listen to or watch what was going on when you zoned out and fill in the gaps.
- Records keystrokes, audio, video, and slides
- Instantly jump to anywhere in the recording
using the text or the slides
- Search to help you find your notes quickly
- Supports Powerpoint, Keynote, and PDF slides
- Share notes on the web
"It's like TiVo for note taking." - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
"If you have a regular need to take notes and you own a portable Mac, I can’t recommend Pear Note enough." - Fresh Arrival

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