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[カテゴリ別]: 人気ランキング

Mac App Storeで公開されているMac用アプリのみ紹介しています。

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Voice Candy is a fun and useful recorder for the Mac. It does for the microphone what Apple's Photo Booth does for the web cam. Voice Candy makes recording enjoyable by providing eight different effects, such as Vader and Chipmunk, to alter the speaker's voice. Once you have made the recording, you can use it to set a reminder, send an email, or take it with you on your iPod. You can also extend the capabilities of Voice Candy by writing AppleScripts to integrate with other applications.
Features include:
● 8 different effects to record with that alters your voice
● Set a reminder alarm with your recording
● You can snooze the alarm
● Global shortcut key setting
● Run as a menu app
● Email recording
● Send recording to iTunes
● Extendable through AppleScript

Traveling to and from work, while exercising, or waiting in line - find your smile in a book with Audiobook Builder!
Audiobook Builder makes it easy to turn your audio CDs and files into audiobooks for your iPhone, iPod or iPad. Join audio, create enhanced chapter stops, adjust quality settings and let Audiobook Builder handle the rest. When it finishes you get one or a few audiobook tracks in iTunes instead of hundreds or even thousands of music tracks!

MixTape is a simple, beautiful and easy to learn application for making beat matched mixes.
By simply drag dropping the music you already have in iTunes (or from the finder), MixTape adds detected tempo and beats. Tracks are then dragged onto a workspace where they now "snap to grid" along their beats and play in sync. Precisely in sync. Emphasised markers show where musical phrases start and a simple envelope adds that all important final polish to your mixes.
Mixes can then be exported back into iTunes to play on your Mac, iPod or iPhone; or published directly onto the web with no additional accounts, services or software.
Far simpler than either an audio workstation or a DJ app, MixTape embraces the Mac aesthetic to blend in perfectly with your desktop. Finally a short series of video tutorials emphasise 'show' over 'tell' and creative commons licensed demo mixes both show what can be done and how.
Those wanting a more advanced experience, including the ability to play live should check out MixTape Pro - also in the app store.
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