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Interactive ear training for all musicians.
EarMaster Essential 5 offers 4 activities to train your musical ear and become a better musician.
Learn to identify, transcribe and play intervals, chords and rhythms with 139 lessons from Classical music to Rock, including Jazz chords, swing rhythms, and a customized mode to practice according to your own needs!
Experience how ear training can become rewarding and fun with EarMaster’s dynamic on-screen interfaces (staff, piano, guitar, bass, violin, cello, etc.), statistics tool, microphone and MIDI input, and more!

Ear training and music theory practice for all musicians and music students
EarMaster Pro is the ideal method to train your ear and practice music theory. With 651 progressive lessons divided into 12 exercise areas from beginner level to very advanced, it will beat your aural skills into shape and make you a better musician!
Included activities: Interval Comparison, Interval Identification, Interval Singing, Chord Identification, Chord Inversion Identification, Chord Progressions, Scale Identification, Rhythm Reading, Rhythm Imitation, Rhythm Correction, Rhythmic Dictation, Melodic Dictation.
Highlighted features:
* User-defined interfaces (staff, piano, guitar, bass, violin, cello, etc.)
* Vocal and MIDI input to sing, clap or play your answers
* Customized training mode to train according to your needs
* Set of Jazz lessons
* Detailed statistics
* And much more!

GarageBand '11で、あなたのMacが完全装備のレコーディングスタジオに変身します。クオリティの高い曲を簡単に作れる楽しい新機能もいろいろ。Flex Timeでタイミングのずれを瞬時に修正したり、グルーブマッチングで複数の楽器のリズムをぴったりと合わせたり。エレキギターをつなげば、リアルでクリエーティブな新しいギターアンプとストンプボックスエフェクトを使ってプレイすることもできます。さらにGarageBand '11には、人気のあるジャンルごとにわかれた22種類の新しい「演奏方法を学ぶ」レッスンが加わりました。「自分の演奏結果」という画期的な新機能を使えば、レッスンを受けながらリアルタイムで評価をチェックすることもできます。どこで間違えたかを目で確認できるので、練習の成果がよくわかります。
Flex Time
● 録音した曲のタイミングをすばやく変更できます。
● タイミングの微妙なずれを修正したり、パート演奏にクリエイティブな変更を加えることもできます。
● 波形をドラッグ&ドロップするだけでタイミングを調整できる、先進的なインターフェイスを採用しています。
● すべてのトラックのタイミングとリズムをワンクリックで調整できます。
● グルーブトラックを選択すると、GarageBandがそのリズムを分析し、ほかのトラックを瞬時にシンクさせます。
● 7つの新しいギターアンプが加わり、合計12種類に。
● クリアなサウンドからヘビーなディストーションまで、世界屈指のギアをモデルにしています。
● 5つの新しいストンプボックスエフェクトも加わり、合計15種類に。
● アンプをストンプボックスとミックスすれば、ロックのスタイルが無限に広がります。
● ピアノとギターの新しい「基本レッスン」22種類が加わり、合計40種類になりました。
● フルスクリーンのインタラクティブなビデオレッスンで、Appleのインストラクターが指導します。
● 演奏とシンクする楽譜、画面に表示されるギターの弦とピアノの鍵盤のアニメーションで、正確な指の位置を確認しながら演奏できます。
● 内蔵された用語集で、ギターのチューニングについてや弦の交換方法、楽譜の読み方など、様々なことを調べられます。
● アーティストレッスンでは、名曲を生んだ本人から弾き方を教わることができます*。
● GarageBandの中で好きなアーティストレッスンをプレビュー、購入、ダウンロードできます*。
● レッスンを受けながら演奏すると、演奏結果のフィードバックが表示されます。
● プログレスバーに演奏結果の概要が表示され、練習の成果をトラッキングできます。
● 見開き表示で楽譜に合わせて演奏したり、間違った部分を確認できます。
● Chord Trainerを使えば、リアルタイムのフィードバックを見ながら、主要なコードの押さえ方を覚えることができます。
* GarageBandアーティストレッスンは別売りです。特定の国のGarageBandレッスンストアで購入できます。


CutieMelody is a simple and beautiful version of a real children's glockenspiel.
Realistic sounds and responsive playing and sliding make it a real joy to just toy around freely or perform favorite melodies. Animated bars and note letters provide feedback and soothing floating notes in the background make it fun for kids to learn the basics of making music and stay entertained.
If you like CutieMelody please check out the other applications by CutieApps available on the App Store.

n-Track Studio is an audio & MIDI multitrack recorder that turns your Mac into a full-fledged recording studio. You can record and playback a virtually unlimited number of audio and MIDI tracks. The program supports simultaneous recording from multiple 16 and 24 bit soundcards, and real-time audio effects can be applied non-destructively to each track. Built-in effects include Multiband Compression, Delay, Graphic EQ, Pitch Shift and time stretch, Parametric EQ and spectrum analyzer with guitar tuner.
The program can use third party AU and VST plug-ins to process in real-time audio signals. Effect can also be used to process the recorded signal in real-time so that the computer can act as a multi-effects device.
MIDI tracks can be imported end exported to regular MIDI files, and edited using the built in piano-roll based MIDI editing window. The program supports AUi and VSTi instruments plug-ins for sample accurate software MIDI playback.
All the audio tracks are saved as standard wave files and mixed "on the fly" during playback.

MixMeister Express is a powerful tool that you can use to create a professional-sounding mix from your music files with a minimum of effort. MixMeister Express is used every day by dance music fans, fitness instructors, and choreographers who aren't DJs and don't have experience beat-mixing tracks. MixMeister Express enables you to make your own mix in minutes and export it to CD, iPod, or share it on the web.
● Create professional-quality mixes with beat-mixed song transitions
● Make songs slower or faster without changing their pitch
● Trim down long songs down or remix short songs to make them longer
● Add special effects for even more ways to blend songs together
● Create a full-length mix and export to iPod, CD, and other portable music players
● Import your iTunes music library including music categories
● Random and smart playlist creation for mix suggestions
One of secrets to creating a great mix is getting the transitions from track to track smooth and seamless. MixMeister Express automatically handles this difficult task for you with one-click transition settings. Or, if you have experience as a DJ or music producer, you can add your own tweaks and touches including built-in sound effect for just the right spice. MixMeister Express is compatible with iTunes music libraries, so you can import and auto-categorize your music. MixMeister Express features random and smart playlist creation for instant suggestions of track combinations.
With MixMeister Express, it’s easy to make a song faster or slower to hit the exact tempo you're after. Whether you're creating a mix for a dance floor or a fitness class, you can adjust the tempo to heat people up or cool them down.
If you're throwing a party, you can let MixMeister Express handle the tunes. You can prepare some of the mix in advance and change it on the fly. You can export your mix to iPod, CD, and virtually any other portable music player.
Make your own mixes quickly and easily with MixMeister Express, the world's most intuitive music-mixing software.

VirtualLightdesk is a 24 Channel DMX Software for Partys, Concerts, and Theaters. It needs the Enttec Open DMX for sending DMX data.

Mounties Feedback Trainer was designed to help you learn to correctly identify feedback tone frequencies - an essential skill for any budding sound engineer, as well as useful for any musician.
You can use it to train your ear to detect the various frequencies and then test yourself to see how well you know which frequency is which - far better to learn it now than when you have to quickly silence a wayward feedback in a crowded theatre!
Mounties Feedback Trainer includes a built in equalizer so you can adjust the volume of the tones for the wildly variable output of your particular speakers.

OO Proはモノフォニック(単音)のシンセサイザーです。メロディーの演奏に向いています。
和音を演奏したい場合は、SkyEater POLYをお試しください。

This new version of eMedia Piano & Keyboard Method offers everything you need to learn how to play! Piano instructor, Irma Irene Justicia, M.A., who has taught at the renowned Juilliard School of Music, guides you through over 300 step-by-step full-screen lessons. New Instant Feedback works with both electronic keyboards and acoustic pianos! It listens as you play melodies and shows whether you’re playing correctly!
The lessons start with the basics, such as hand position, rhythm, and playing on black keys, and move on to reading music notation, sight reading, scales, and much more. Techniques are demonstrated with over 70 videos viewable in full-screen mode.
Learn songs and exercises from music notation as an animated keyboard guides you through fingerings. Songs and exercises are provided as both live-recorded audio and variable-speed MIDI tracks which let you slow the music down as needed. Colorful MIDI accompaniments help make practicing fun! You will learn over 100 popular classical, blues, pop, and rock songs, including hit songs from artists such as Billy Joel, Bob Dylan, and Elton John!
Interactive review and ear training quizzes help reinforce new concepts and develop your ear. When used with an electronic MIDI keyboard, you get Interactive Evaluation Feedback with detailed specifics on your playing, including which notes and rhythms were wrong and how to correct them. In addition, the new Note Tracker shows you what note you’re playing and makes learning music notation easy. This latest version also offers fully scalable lesson screens and an option for full-screen video. Other accessories include a built-in digital metronome and a recorder. eMedia Piano & Keyboard Method is the ultimate way to learn how to play piano or keyboard!
● Instant Feedback − shows you whether you’re playing the correct notes on melodies. Works with both electronic keyboards and acoustic pianos!
● Interactive Evaluation Feedback − when using a MIDI keyboard you get specific feedback on note and rhythm mistakes to help you get it right the next time.
● Progress Tracking − personalized reports show your rate of progress, including scores for specific songs. The built-in recorder also helps you hear your progress.
● Animated Keyboard - displays correct fingerings as the music plays or for any note or chord that you double-click.
● Audio Tracks - features multi-track live recordings, colorful MIDI accompaniments and MIDI tracks that allow you to slow down or speed up the music.
● Full-screen lessons and videos.
Also features over 100 songs including:
“Piano Man” by Billy Joel
“Candle in the Wind” by Elton John
“Ode to Joy” by Ludwig van Beethoven
“America the Beautiful” by Samuel Ward
“La Bamba” made famous by Los Lobos
“Minuet in G” by J.S. Bach
“Tishomingo Blues” by Spencer Williams
“The Entertainer” by Scott Joplin
“Knockin' on Heaven's Door” by Bob Dylan
Wall Street Journal:
“We found the software well planned and effective -- progress was quick.”
PC Magazine:
4 1/2 stars
American Music Teacher Magazine:
“An impressive and thorough piano teaching program.”
Music News:
“We tried out the method and within no time we were actually playing songs, something that we had no idea we would be able to do so quickly. It is simply amazing.”

360 Drum Sequencer is a basic MIDI drum sequencer and features a circular layout based on the time signature for note editing and has a simple, logical part/bar song structure.
Visit my website for more information including links to a video walkthrough.
360 Drum Sequencer was designed for musicians who don't want to use drum loops and don't enjoy trying to write drum parts using software designed for writing keyboard parts.
360 Drum Sequencer however is NOT a drum sample player or synthesizer, it relies on additional software such as GarageBand, Logic or BFD2 to be heard. Like a MIDI keyboard controller, it sends MIDI note information to a listening application or device.

360 Drum Sequencer also has no loops, grooves, or pre-made material, instead it was designed for musicians who want to create unique songs, note by note, simply and efficiently and in a way that makes sense musically. In other words, no linear time lines, no piano rolls, no crazy interface with a million buttons and multiple modes. Just a basic, easy to use editor built for drums.
Example workflow (assuming you have GarageBand):
1. Launch Garageband and create a new track set to your favorite drum kit.
2. Launch 360 Drum Sequencer. GarageBand will automatically detect the new MIDI source.
3. Define the parts of your song, Intro, Verse, Chorus, etc.
4. Choose an Instrument library (e.g. BFD2 10 Piece, GarageBand, etc.) or create one from scratch.
5. Add notes by clicking on the beat wheel. You can drag notes around the beat wheel to move them
or drag them off the beat wheel and let them go to delete them.
6. Press Play and 360 will send the MIDI notes to GarageBand which will play them.
Features include:

MIDI OUT to any device that accepts MIDI IN allowing you to drive most drum/sample audio applications such as GarageBand, Logic, BFD2, etc.
MIDI file export.
Song based structure consisting of Parts which have Bars which have Notes. You can duplicate Parts, duplicate Bars, copy notes from one Instrument to another.
Instrument libraries already setup for GarageBand/Logic and BFD2.
Velocity randomization which can be targeted to the entire song, a single part or selected bars.
The Beat Wheel editor which gives you a circular layout to place notes (up to 32nd notes), divided and subdivided based on the time signature for a given part. There is also an inner Beat Wheel for placing triplet notes.
New Song Wizard for quick setup.
Instrument library editor for creating your own custom instrument libraries.

Manage, optimize, compress, tag , search, browse your sampled instruments for EXS24, Kontakt, Structure, Reason NNXT and Keymap. Relink instruments to samples for fast loading. Compress your EXS24 library to AAC and Lossless formats. Move/Delete unused and duplicate samples. Reorganize and Clean libraries with a single click. Assign tags, ratings and attach comments to your instruments. Extensive search capabilities. Browse Instruments and Samples. Fast!
Visit www.redmatica.com for more information, videos and demo version.

Tablatures is a guitar/bass tablature editor for Mac OS X.
Tablatures is compatible with the popular PowerTab, a well-known and widely adopted tablature editor for Windows systems. Thus you can share your music even with those members of your band that don't own a Mac! Moreover, you can easily find thousands of song transcriptions in this format on the net. Tablatures can also import most GuitarPro 3-5 tabs.
The tabs you create can be exported in MIDI format and during playback you can follow the tab on screen to make it easier to learn tracks.

Create, edit, combine, automap, autoloop, slice your sampled instruments/sounds for Logic and Mainstage (EXS24), Kontakt3 and 4, Structure and Reason NNXT.
Keymap One is the simplest way to start using the features that makes Keymap Pro the most advanced application for editing sampled instruments available today.
Keymap One integrates with Logic and Mainstage so that you can use it as an additional editor for your EXS24 instruments from within the Logic/Mainstage environment without having to load/save files and refresh menus. With this feature, the combination of Logic and Keymap offers the most sophisticated sampling environment ever.
Main Features
-Sampled Instruments editor for the EXS24, Kontakt3 and 4, Structure and Reason NNXT formats.
-Multiple playback personalities to replicate each format features
-Supports mono and stereo AIFF, WAV, SD2, CAF samples
-Drag and drop Magic Pad for import and export
-Autosplit, Autoloop your samples and map them
-Dynamic velocity remapping
-Quadrasmooth function equalizes the sample levels
-Sample slicing with instant remix feature
-Realtime and non destructive, exports standard sample files
-Direct integration with Logic and Mainstage
-Support for floating point audio formats
-Export to multiple formats at once
-MIDI Assignable editing parameters
-Integrated Sample Editor
-Integrated Browser
-CoreAnimation-based intuitive interface with simplified modes
-Standalone application
Visit www.redmatica.com for more information, videos and demo version.
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