Screen Capture Tool-Lite

Seller tim murong Category Video
App Size 0.6 MB Requirements OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
Version 3.0 (Jun 10, 2012)


60% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



Screen Capture Tool-Lite is a lite version of Screen Capture Tool.
Screen Capture Tool-Lite is a very useful video recording tool. With it you can record fullscreen or record selected region to video. It may record the screen as high quality videos, and you may set video quality and choose audio device. It is very convenient because it may sit in the menu bar.
Main Features:
⁃Capture your videos at full screen or any size (What you see what you get).
⁃Record the audio with system build-in microphone or audio input device.
⁃Set video quality by your request.
⁃Start/Stop recording.
⁃Pause/Resume recording.
⁃Choose the saved path of recording video.
-Pre-set recording video time length.
⁃Making video at a very fast speed.
⁃One step to complete recording.
⁃Sits in the menu bar.
Note: Screen Capture Tool-Lite can only capture 300 seconds. Screen Capture Tool will be no time limited.
Here are a few situations you can use it:

Current Price: Free (2012/08/12)

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