
Seller Reuben Mildren Category Education
App Size 34.3 MB Requirements OS X 10.6.6 or later
Version 1.0 (May 22, 2012)


43% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



***** On SALE at half price for the rest of July! *****
Tiki-Zin3 is a hardworking little robot whose job is to search for alien life. In this book he gets BLASTED into an unexpected adventure that takes him far from his beloved work. On his little odyssey he travels to amazing places within and beyond our solar system, sets a new record for space exploration and might even make some special new friends.
This interactive book is a joy for all ages. Join Tiki-Zin3 as he gets blasted from place to place by mysteriously placed bombs. The reader gets to be the one who pushes the buttons that set the bombs off, AND… the reader is then recruited to rebuild the scene once it is destroyed! The bombs get more complex and challenging as the book progresses but there should be plenty of helpful hints for even smaller children to figure them out.
*Cute story
*Attractive, colorful graphics
*Silly voices
*Engaging interactivity
*Encourages thought and exploration

Other Apps by Reuben Mildren

Current Price: $1.99 (2012/08/12)

Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)

170円 (2012/07/31〜)
85円 (2012/07/23〜)
170? (2012/05/25?)

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