DesktopLyrics is an application that displays the lyrics of the song currently playing in "iTunes" right on your desktop. DesktopLyrics features numerous options to customize lyrics display to your liking.
DesktopLyrics does not only display the lyrics but can also display the information about the current song (e.g. title) in a customizable manner. Additionally, you can opt to display the artwork of the song too.
DesktopLyrics allows you to define the font, size, color and shadows for the lyrics and for the song-information separately, so that the lyrics exactly match your taste and desktop picture.
Long lyrics that can't be displayed at once are automatically cut into multiple "pages". You can turn the pages with small buttons embedded into the lyrics display, turn them with hot-key combinations or just have them turned automatically. There is an advanced option for defining the time-code of the page turning.
DesktopLyrics does not only display the lyrics but can also display the information about the current song (e.g. title) in a customizable manner. Additionally, you can opt to display the artwork of the song too.
DesktopLyrics allows you to define the font, size, color and shadows for the lyrics and for the song-information separately, so that the lyrics exactly match your taste and desktop picture.
Long lyrics that can't be displayed at once are automatically cut into multiple "pages". You can turn the pages with small buttons embedded into the lyrics display, turn them with hot-key combinations or just have them turned automatically. There is an advanced option for defining the time-code of the page turning.
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MacUpdate: DesktopLyrics 2.0.1 - Displays current iTunes song lyrics on desktop.. (Demo) http://t.co/TyWmkhKA - #Mac... http://t.co/2Fb8S9Pv
2012/8/12/ 21:59:26
DesktopLyrics 2.0.1 - Displays current iTunes song lyrics on desktop.. (Demo): DesktopLyrics is an application t... http://t.co/RCnzzHeB
2012/8/12/ 21:49:23
DesktopLyrics 2.0.1 - Displays current iTunes song lyrics on desktop.. (Demo) http://t.co/7Uz857fm
2012/8/12/ 21:46:35
DesktopLyrics 2.0.1 - Displays current iTunes song lyrics on desktop. http://t.co/sfs1XBmb
2012/8/12/ 21:45:42
Update: DesktopLyrics (Music): DesktopLyrics 2.0.1Device: Mac OSCategory: MusicPrice: $3.99, Version: 2.0 -> 2.... http://t.co/SNj7lDZd
2012/8/12/ 17:33:41