smallQWERTY is a keyboard app. You can input the following functions in groups of 4x5 buttons with left clicks, or in groups of 3x3 buttons with left or right clicks:
1. letters (with standard ABC and efficient smallQWERTY layouts)
2. numbers
3. symbols
4. cursor keys
5. function keys
6. common File menus (new, open, save, close, hide, minimize, quit ...)
7. common Edit menus (cut, copy, paste, duplicate, undo, redo, find ...)
8. more menus (folder creation, preferences, spotlight, trash ...)
9. useful commands (navigation, screen capture, media control ...)
10. system commands (monitor, log off, restart, shutdown, sleep)
11. desktop commands (mission control, dashboard, launchpad, app/window switcher ...)
12. all the individual keys of standard keyboard
13. modifiers (command, shift, option/alt, control)
14. custom app launcher
1. letters (with standard ABC and efficient smallQWERTY layouts)
2. numbers
3. symbols
4. cursor keys
5. function keys
6. common File menus (new, open, save, close, hide, minimize, quit ...)
7. common Edit menus (cut, copy, paste, duplicate, undo, redo, find ...)
8. more menus (folder creation, preferences, spotlight, trash ...)
9. useful commands (navigation, screen capture, media control ...)
10. system commands (monitor, log off, restart, shutdown, sleep)
11. desktop commands (mission control, dashboard, launchpad, app/window switcher ...)
12. all the individual keys of standard keyboard
13. modifiers (command, shift, option/alt, control)
14. custom app launcher
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