Output enables you to quickly select an audio output device from a handy status bar menu.
Other Apps by Preston Stuteville
Current Price: $0.99 (2012/08/12)
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@terra_zephead Sorry to bother!!! Using MKV merge for Mac on new audio. Keep getting error on output "formats don't match" Ideas?
2012/8/11/ 15:25:57
5imian After 3 hours of google I give up. Would you know how to record the audio output on a mac via6rMFrJ
2012/8/11/ 8:21:37
RT @anj_mac: An artist, no matter how much you'll pay him/her, will never give you a mediocre output. No-no yun at labag sa kalooban.
2012/8/11/ 1:32:50
@Daniel_Burton on FCPX you can't change the output quality (bitrate and such...) so it makes the program extremely basic.
2012/8/10/ 15:18:17
@madeon use soundflower, creates a new audio input which you can then use to record any output from your mac :)
2012/8/10/ 6:19:40
@GOLDxblooded : to a first time owner, i feel like a Mac is a Mac, a 2008 gonna give you the same output as a 2012. it's all about looks
2012/8/9/ 10:0:2
As Mac Pro stagnates, PC workstations muscle ahead: ... dual-link DVI, 2 DisplayPort output); 500GB – Wi... http://t.co/NV52nl1i #redhat
2012/8/9/ 1:4:25
Anybody know how I can restore audio output from my mac???
2012/8/8/ 20:10:51
Just upgraded my Mac to Mountain Lion software and my audio output is not working at all. Pissed does not properly describe me right now.
2012/8/8/ 20:10:14
RT @trieloff: CQ5 DAM H.264 video output on Mac OS X Lion. http://t.co/18ZCFm9r #adobe #cq5 #dam /via @ridmaur
2012/8/8/ 15:59:15
RT @trieloff: CQ5 DAM H.264 video output on Mac OS X Lion. http://t.co/18ZCFm9r #adobe #cq5 #dam /via @ridmaur
2012/8/8/ 15:57:26
2012/8/8/ 15:57:5
RT @jritch: Italy is on track to meet 26% of of its total electricity output from renewables by 2020, collapse in demand helping http://t.co/8nbacaqb
2012/8/8/ 15:15:53