InstantTranslate makes it really easy to translate a selection of text in the application you are working in from one language to another language. Simply select a piece of text hit the shortcut key: Command+Shift+@ (⌘⇧@). InstantTranslate will translate the selected text to the selected destination language, automatically detecting the language of the selection.
✩ Uses Microsoft® Translator as translation engine.
✩ Automatically detect the language of the selected text.
✩ Select the source language if auto detection is not desired.
✩ Select select the destination language.
✩ Supported Languages:
Arabic, French, Latvian, Swedish
Bulgarian, German, Lithuanian, Thai
Chinese Simplified, Greek, Norwegian, Turkish
Chinese Traditional, Haitian Creole, Polish, Ukrainian
Czech, Hebrew, Portuguese, Vietnamese
Danish, Hungarian, Romanian
Dutch, Indonesian, Russian
English, Italian, Slovak
Estonian, Japanese, Slovenian
Finnish, Korean, Spanish
✩ Uses Microsoft® Translator as translation engine.
✩ Automatically detect the language of the selected text.
✩ Select the source language if auto detection is not desired.
✩ Select select the destination language.
✩ Supported Languages:
Arabic, French, Latvian, Swedish
Bulgarian, German, Lithuanian, Thai
Chinese Simplified, Greek, Norwegian, Turkish
Chinese Traditional, Haitian Creole, Polish, Ukrainian
Czech, Hebrew, Portuguese, Vietnamese
Danish, Hungarian, Romanian
Dutch, Indonesian, Russian
English, Italian, Slovak
Estonian, Japanese, Slovenian
Finnish, Korean, Spanish
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