Passwords is designed to help you store, organise, protect and use sensitive information like usernames and passwords for websites, PINs, bank details, serial numbers etc.
You can create any number of fields (and call them what you like) to save your information to. Right-clicking on a password will bring up a menu from which you can copy the value of these fields to the clipboard.
Your data is stored in a database which can be optionally password protected by a master password. Individual password records can be password protected too, regardless of whether a master password is used.
The auto-complete feature allows you to define a series of data and commands which can then be called to fill in a web form or put data into another application. For example, for a web site login you could create the commands:
You can create any number of fields (and call them what you like) to save your information to. Right-clicking on a password will bring up a menu from which you can copy the value of these fields to the clipboard.
Your data is stored in a database which can be optionally password protected by a master password. Individual password records can be password protected too, regardless of whether a master password is used.
The auto-complete feature allows you to define a series of data and commands which can then be called to fill in a web form or put data into another application. For example, for a web site login you could create the commands:
Current Price: $4.99 (2012/08/12)
Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)
450円 (2011/11/30〜)
85円 (2011/11/14〜)
600円 (2011/07/14〜)
800円 (2011/05/14〜)
85円 (2011/11/14〜)
600円 (2011/07/14〜)
800円 (2011/05/14〜)
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Test Password Strength & Generate Strong Passwords in Mac OS X http://t.co/T6qDYJiX via @projectzme #security
2012/8/12/ 14:9:29
Test Password Strength & Generate Strong Passwords in Mac OS X http://t.co/T6qDYJiX
2012/8/12/ 14:8:17
RT @Tekserve: How to use OS X's built-in Password Assistant to make more secure passwords http://t.co/2q7W0zWM via @osxdaily
2012/8/12/ 13:40:31
How to use OS X's built-in Password Assistant to make more secure passwords http://t.co/2q7W0zWM via @osxdaily
2012/8/12/ 13:15:6
mac os keychain as password manager: http://t.co/xCuoLFte
2012/8/12/ 13:9:47
@nickdemartino thanks so much! figured it out & changed passwords on all things incl. twitter pw. Also running antivirus on my mac incase.
2012/8/11/ 23:34:30
Create Strong passwords and Wi-fi keys for Mac with PwGenerator [updated] http://t.co/8SIphqYS
2012/8/11/ 22:51:55
OS X Daily Test Password Strength & Generate Strong Passwords in Mac OS X http://t.co/IcXBcBdd useful for mac user
2012/8/11/ 19:41:0
RT: mac tip --> “@Tekserve: How to use OS X's built-in Password Assistant to make more secure passwords http://t.co/m36Rdh6q via @osxdaily”
2012/8/11/ 17:56:58
4 Tips for Creating Secure Passwords http://t.co/0pbu2LGC via @IntegoSecurity
2012/8/11/ 16:21:49
4 Types of Passwords You Shouldn’t Create (Unless You Want Your Account Hacked) http://t.co/LKsnF0iu via @IntegoSecurity
2012/8/11/ 16:20:29
@JustlyJennifer Firefox does that. I put it on my dad's mac so I could use it. I think all save passwords now though
2012/8/11/ 15:25:37
What is the best internet browser for Mac? I need something that saves passwords (not Safari) and I'm meh about Google Chrome. Firefox?
2012/8/11/ 15:24:13
RT @Tekserve: How to use OS X's built-in Password Assistant to make more secure passwords http://t.co/nN84wtB9 via @osxdaily
2012/8/11/ 14:21:16
RT @Tekserve: How to use OS X's built-in Password Assistant to make more secure passwords http://t.co/nN84wtB9 via @osxdaily
2012/8/11/ 14:20:16