
Seller Limit Point Software Category Finance
App Size 0.5 MB Requirements Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later
Version 1.3 ( May 14, 2011)


40% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



StockLookupMBI is an app which enables you to view the price and other data associated with a few select stocks quickly and easily from the menu bar. You can optionally also have a "ticker" displayed, implemented by changing the title of the menu.*
What can StockLookupMBI do for me?
• Menu bar stock ticker.
Select this option in the Preferences window and the app will cycle through all the stocks listed in Preferences, displaying their value, change and percent change. You can specify "up" and "down" colors in Preferences to indicate a loss or gain for the change.
• Stock quotes and charts in menu.
When the menu is opened each stock's company name is listed as a menu item, accompanied by stock symbol, change and percent change, current value, after hours value, and, if you entered the number of shares you own, the current estimated value of the shares. Selecting an item takes you to the finance webpage for that stock.

Current Price: $9.99 (2011/06/03)

Price Change (up to 2011/06/03)

999/100$ (2011/04/16〜)

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