
Seller excited pixel Category Productivity
App Size 2.3 MB Requirements OS X 10.6.6 or later
Version 2.2.1 (Aug 10, 2012)


93% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



★★★★★ Mac Format: "Pretty much perfect for anyone who rarely remembers to take regular breaks from office tasks"
★★★★½ MacWorld: "BreakTime's simplicity and elegance make it possibly the best designed app of its class"
BreakTime is a simple Mac utility that's designed to help you remember to take breaks away from your computer. It never forgets a break, running in your dock and / or menu bar (or even in the background).
Spending hours in front of your Mac everyday isn't healthy. A study from the American Cancer Society ( has linked extended periods of sitting with an increased risk of death. Unfortunately for many of us, quitting the computer isn't an option.
Using BreakTime reduces the continuous time you spend sitting in front of a computer. Standing up, getting your blood pumping and looking around may reduce the effects of long periods of sitting on your body and eyes.

Other Apps by excited pixel

Current Price: $4.99 (2012/08/12)

Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)

450円 (2012/08/03〜)
170円 (2012/08/02〜)
450円 (2012/08/01〜)
170円 (2012/07/31〜)
450? (2011/11/03?)
250? (2011/07/14?)
115? (2011/04/09?)

Infromation Related to this App

14 Dec 2011 ... BreakTime reminds you to take breaks from your work. Every day, most of us spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer. Sadly, that probably means you' re at a higher risk for an earlier death. That's why you need ...

14 Dec 2011 ... BreakTime reminds you to take breaks from your work. Every day, most of us spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer. Sadly, that probably means you' re at a higher risk for an earlier death. That's why you need ...

13 May 2011 ... BreakTime is a simple, yet beautiful Mac utility that reminds you to take a break from your computer every so often.

17 Aug 2011 ... Many of us spend hours seated before our computers, and that's not a good thing . A study conducted by the American Cancer Society linked extended periods.

9 Dec 2011 ... A number of recent scientific studies have suggested that spending too much time sitting down—for example, while working at your computer—is bad for you. While some of my colleagues have resorted to extreme measures ...

15 Oct 2011 ... You know how everybody says you're supposed to take about a short break from the computer every hour if you want to keep your sanity? Chances are you've heard.

5 Mar 2012 ... BreakTime reminds you to take five minutes away from your computer.

Spending hours in front of your Mac everyday isn't healthy. A study from the American Cancer Society has linked extended periods of sitting with an increased risk of death. For most of us, quitting the computer isn't an option. That's why you ...

BreakTime for Mac - Today we will be reviewing BreakTime for Mac. Find out how BreakTime for Mac could be the saving grace that reminds you to take a breather.

BreakTime for Mac 2.1.3, Downloads: 371, License: Commercial, By: excited pixel, Size: 0.8. BreakTime is a simple Mac utility that's designed to help you remember to take breaks away from your computer.

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Total tweets : 113
2012/8/12/ XX:XX:XX:
Double big mac combo #ftw #breaktime
2012/8/12/ 12:39:22
Mac and cheese with a1 and sriracha. #fatzilla #omnom #breaktime #joesstuff
2012/8/10/ 23:5:46
BreakTime 2.2.1 - Reminds you to take breaks from your work.. (Demo)
2012/8/10/ 22:24:3
BreakTime 2.2.1 - Reminds you to take breaks from your work.
2012/8/10/ 21:55:58


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