Instalyrics is a quick & easy way to find lyrics online.
"I’d take Instalyrics’ simple approach and Safari integration over manually browsing those websites any day."
-Federico Viticci, MacStories.net
How does it work?
Instalyrics constantly checks what's playing on your Mac. whether it's good old iTunes, or even if you're watching a video on YouTube.
While playing a song, simply click the icon on your status bar and the app will automatically find for you the best matching lyrics website on the internet.
Instalyrics will automatically refresh the Safari tab with the lyrics to the next song.
• Find lyrics for songs in any language
• Easy to use well-thought-of unobtrusive design
Find lyrics to what's playing on:
• iTunes, Spotify, Rdio, Radium and Sonora
• Websites like YouTube, Last.FM, GrooveShark and Rdio
Safari Integration:
• Lyrics are opened in Safari
• Instalyrics automatically updates the Safari tab with lyrics to the next song
iPhone/iPad Sync
"I’d take Instalyrics’ simple approach and Safari integration over manually browsing those websites any day."
-Federico Viticci, MacStories.net
How does it work?
Instalyrics constantly checks what's playing on your Mac. whether it's good old iTunes, or even if you're watching a video on YouTube.
While playing a song, simply click the icon on your status bar and the app will automatically find for you the best matching lyrics website on the internet.
Instalyrics will automatically refresh the Safari tab with the lyrics to the next song.
• Find lyrics for songs in any language
• Easy to use well-thought-of unobtrusive design
Find lyrics to what's playing on:
• iTunes, Spotify, Rdio, Radium and Sonora
• Websites like YouTube, Last.FM, GrooveShark and Rdio
Safari Integration:
• Lyrics are opened in Safari
• Instalyrics automatically updates the Safari tab with lyrics to the next song
iPhone/iPad Sync
Current Price: $3.99 (2012/08/12)
Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)
350円 (2012/07/27〜)
85円 (2012/07/25〜)
350円 (2012/07/03〜)
170円 (2012/06/29〜)
350円 (2012/06/02〜)
85円 (2012/05/30〜)
170円 (2012/05/25〜)
85円 (2012/05/21〜)
0円 (2012/05/11〜)
350円 (2012/03/23〜)
170円 (2012/03/02〜)
85円 (2012/03/01〜)
0円 (2012/02/26〜)
350円 (2012/02/08〜)
450円 (2012/02/06〜)
600円 (2012/01/22〜)
350円 (2012/01/05〜)
170円 (2011/12/18〜)
250円 (2011/12/13〜)
85円 (2012/07/25〜)
350円 (2012/07/03〜)
170円 (2012/06/29〜)
350円 (2012/06/02〜)
85円 (2012/05/30〜)
170円 (2012/05/25〜)
85円 (2012/05/21〜)
0円 (2012/05/11〜)
350円 (2012/03/23〜)
170円 (2012/03/02〜)
85円 (2012/03/01〜)
0円 (2012/02/26〜)
350円 (2012/02/08〜)
450円 (2012/02/06〜)
600円 (2012/01/22〜)
350円 (2012/01/05〜)
170円 (2011/12/18〜)
250円 (2011/12/13〜)
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