
Seller Kreativni odjel d.o.o. Category Entertainment
App Size 31.4 MB Requirements OS X 10.6.6 or later
Version 1.0 (Mar 15, 2011)


90% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



Šumska is the first Croatian interactive music video.
The past, present and future stories blend in this slow-paced dreamy experience. It’s a sequel in an old series of science-fiction style music videos about Iona - an incubator android who has saved life of girl Ivana.
This is not a game, there are no weapons or fighting.
Take this as a short meditative music and sound experience - just with a riddle or two. It's highly recommended to use headphones to immerse into the magical world of Putokazi.
The Putokazi choir/band (Putokazi = The Signposts) are a unique musical phenomenon on the Croatian music scene. They are a band which has been successfully resisting all attempts of categorization and selection to a standard musical department.
Their unusual formula, which does not tolerate fast consumption, combines part-singing, dancing and movement thus creating a unique audio-visual experience that is pleasing for both the listeners (viewers) and the performers.

Other Apps by Kreativni odjel d.o.o.

Current Price: Free (2012/08/12)

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Infromation Related to this App

17 Mar 2011 ... Sumska A fantasy game enhanced with celestial sounds and interactive videos.

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