
Seller Juan Miguel Escribano Sanchez Category Productivity
App Size 3.4 MB Requirements OS X 10.6 or later
Version 5.5 (Jun 06, 2012)
Languages English, Spanish


62% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



Onlytasks can help save you time and organize your life with an easy and uncomplicated to use system. It is so convenient you’ll enjoy staying more organized and look forward to working with it frequently!
Enter and prioritize your tasks, and later sort, find and classify with no great effort on your part.
Tasks and notes are put into folders or category holders we call “NOTEBOOKS”. Inside the Notebooks categories, you create tasks and enter a name/title/label for each one. Every task in your notebook can have optional dates due, tags, and can be marked with a STAR to stand out and be pre-sorted in the “STARS” folder in the STATUS side bar.
There is a flexible notes section where you can type in or paste in several lines of text. The notes section expands as you need more space and is user adjustable to go to the side or bottom of the main window.

Other Apps by Juan Miguel Escribano Sanchez

Current Price: $14.99 (2012/08/12)

Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)

1300円 (2011/12/08〜)
1650円 (2011/07/17〜)
850円 (2011/07/15〜)
1200円 (2011/07/01〜)
2200円 (2011/03/04〜)

Infromation Related to this App

Onlytasks allows you, with little effort, sort, classify and prioritize your tasks easily and conveniently. In addition to the book where it is situated and its title, each task can have due date, notes and tags; this allows you to focus on tasks and ...

7 Jun 2012 ... Onlytasks Easily synchronize your tasks with Evernote.

30 Jun 2011 ... RoaringApps is an application compatibility wiki for Mac OS X Mountain Lion & iOS 5, databasing thousands of apps and whether they're compatible with Apple's groundbreaking operating systems.

3 Jan 2011 ... Onlytasks consider every single Evernote note as a task, it uses the note title as the task title and the note content to store the task due date, if the task is completed and the task's notes. It does so with three keywords.

Onlytasks_meta.xml, Metadata, 587.0 B. Other Files, Mac OS X Disk Image. onlytasks.dmg, 3.9 MB. onlytasks4.dmg, 4.0 MB. Onlytasks for Leopard, 4.1 MB · Be the first to write a review. Downloaded 3878 times Reviews. Terms of Use (10 Mar ...

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