
Seller David Barnhardt Category Developer Tools
App Size 20.6 MB Requirements OS X 10.6 or later
Version 1.0.2 (Apr 19, 2011)


49% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



NSColorCalculator has a custom Color Panel for working with colors thatʼs designed to be easy to use, intuitive, yet very powerful with the features you need to get things done fast. In a nut, itʼs a revolutionary way to choose and compare colors.
For instance, any Cocoa or iOS developer is all too familiar with certain mind- numbingly tedious tasks that have to be repeated over and over again. One of these is the dreaded: Find a color in a graphics app using its color picker panel, and then manually typing in (or copy and pasting) the numbers for each of the 4 components of RGBA or HSBA colors. Thatʼs the least painful scenario. Some of these graphics apps only have color numbers in 0-255 format, which is useless in Cocoa/iOS, so you have to manually divide the color values by the appropriate amount. In short, this is a giant PITA sandwich.
NSColorCalculator feels your pain and is here to help.

Current Price: $1.99 (2012/08/12)

Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)

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450? (2011/05/10?)
115? (2011/04/07?)
600? (2011/03/04?)

Infromation Related to this App

App13X Apple Logo App13X Name Logo. NSColorCalculator App NSColorCalculator NSColorCalculator Go To App Store. User Guide. Overview. NSColorCalculator has a custom Color Panel for working with colors that's designed to be easy ...

20 Apr 2011 ... NSColorCalculator A revolutionary method for working with colors.

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