eMail Stats
Do you ever wonder how many emails you have been getting?
Or how many emails you have been sending?
Better yet, how many different people you have been emailing?
Well this is a simple menu bar app that tells you your email statistics.
The app looks in the program and finds the following statistics about your email usage...
✵Daily eMails Received
✵Daily eMails Sent
✵Daily Contacts Touched
✵Yesterdays eMails Received
✵Yesterdays eMails Sent
✵Yesterdays Contacts Touched
✵Weekly eMails Received
✵Weekly eMails Sent
✵Weekly Contacts Touched
✵Monthly eMails Received
✵Monthly eMails Sent
✵Monthly Contacts Touched
✵Yearly eMails Received
✵Yearly eMails Sent
✵Yearly Contacts Touched
Or how many emails you have been sending?
Better yet, how many different people you have been emailing?
Well this is a simple menu bar app that tells you your email statistics.
The app looks in the program and finds the following statistics about your email usage...
✵Daily eMails Received
✵Daily eMails Sent
✵Daily Contacts Touched
✵Yesterdays eMails Received
✵Yesterdays eMails Sent
✵Yesterdays Contacts Touched
✵Weekly eMails Received
✵Weekly eMails Sent
✵Weekly Contacts Touched
✵Monthly eMails Received
✵Monthly eMails Sent
✵Monthly Contacts Touched
✵Yearly eMails Received
✵Yearly eMails Sent
✵Yearly Contacts Touched
Current Price: $1.99 (2012/08/12)
Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)
170円 (2011/07/14〜)
230円 (2011/05/02〜)
230円 (2011/05/02〜)
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