
Seller kim hungki Category Games
App Size 186 MB Requirements Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later
Version 1.0 ( Feb 18, 2011)


41% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



WorldTravelGame is a game in which you build hotels to become the richest person in the world.
The game follows a typical board game system of spinning a roulette to determine where to move and build a building to charge other players.
Just as you are playing a real board game, this game provides you with information cards which you can access by long pressing a certain play area.
You can in turn move this card or bring it to your deck.
You can take a double chance to predict where the roulette will stop, and you will get to spin one more time! You can continue on with another turn.
Special cards become a variable to the game.
Some card makes to unwillingly sell your land. Some might allow you to stay on another player’s land without paying.
Special cards will provide you with either lucky or unlucky chances.
A special card called ‘Tic Toc’ will give you a chance to increase your wealth significantly.

Other Apps by kim hungki


Current Price: $1.99 (2011/06/03)

Price Change (up to 2011/06/03)

199/100$ (2011/02/20〜)

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