Track your finances, whether it be stock investments or a credit card transaction. Then chart them according to the categories you define.
- Save & print spreadsheets
- Color-coded categories
- Real-time stock price updates
- Charting capabilities
- Transaction search
- Save & print spreadsheets
- Color-coded categories
- Real-time stock price updates
- Charting capabilities
- Transaction search
Other Apps by Martin Davidsson
Current Price: $1.99 (2011/06/03)
Price Change (up to 2011/06/03)
199/100$ (2011/04/23〜)
99/100$ (2011/03/23〜)
199/100$ (2011/03/09〜)
99/100$ (2011/03/23〜)
199/100$ (2011/03/09〜)
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Current Review | Vieux Farka Touré (2011); by Sam C. Mac | more deliberate balance between traditional & modern.
2011/6/2/ 19:0:50
RT @egosyntonically: #meded Difficult tech balance between PowerPoint boredom, Mac flashiness and Prezi weirdness. Focus on the message for a good lecture.
2011/6/2/ 16:53:36
RT @egosyntonically: #meded Difficult tech balance between PowerPoint boredom, Mac flashiness and Prezi weirdness. Focus on the message for a good lecture.
2011/6/2/ 15:56:51
RT @egosyntonically: #meded Difficult tech balance between PowerPoint boredom, Mac flashiness and Prezi weirdness. Focus on the message for a good lecture.
2011/6/2/ 15:56:38
#meded Difficult tech balance between PowerPoint boredom, Mac flashiness and Prezi weirdness. Focus on the message for a good lecture.
2011/6/2/ 15:56:28
Shit man, F U white balance! I need a Mac compatible web cam
2011/6/2/ 14:40:27
I'm downloading BalanceBar, a free app that lets me see my PayPal balance in my Mac's Menu bar. Check it out at
2011/6/2/ 14:20:52
#OHMYFCK not to self: don't balance your Mac on your knees during a comedic text session. It almost became a casualty to my funnies
2011/6/2/ 14:5:50
I'm downloading BalanceBar, a free app that lets me see my PayPal balance in my Mac's Menu bar. Check it out at
2011/6/2/ 13:3:19
I'm downloading BalanceBar, a free app that lets me see my PayPal balance in my Mac's Menu bar. Check it out at
2011/6/2/ 12:43:46
woo! available balance N current balance agree with one another! ya know what that means! hittin up that apple store after work for my #MAC
2011/6/1/ 21:59:39
@cewhite No Life Balance updates since september 2010. Is it dead? Any hope for a modern Cocoa Mac OSX version? Please?
2011/6/1/ 14:42:49
RT @zwaldowski: "You should move it to the trash." Mac OS X: the perfect balance between helpful and condescending.
2011/6/1/ 7:32:31
"You should move it to the trash." Mac OS X: the perfect balance between helpful and condescending.
2011/6/1/ 7:31:35