
Seller FREEON Category Entertainment
App Size 15.8 MB Requirements OS X 10.6 or later
Version 1.0.0 (Feb 17, 2011)


83% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



(KoreaChess : Janggi)
Janggi is the Korean name for a strategic board game widespread in Korea.
It was derived from Chinese Xiangqi. The game looks very similar to Chinese Xiangqi, such as starting position of pieces, and the 9 x 10 point board, without the Chinese river in the middle.
In addition, Janggi has some Korean innovations. Janggi is sometimes called Korean chess. Other romanizations of the game are changgi, and jangki.
It is played on a board nine lines wide by ten lines long.
Janggi is sometimes fast-paced due to the jumping cannons and the long range elephants, but professional games most often last for over 150 moves and are thus most often slower than those of Western chess. Also, while in Western chess battle is concentrated in the middle few rows for the bulk of the game, in janggi the battle seems to be fought simultaneously all over the board.
In 2009, the first world janggi tournament was held in Harbin, People's Republic of China.

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Infromation Related to this App

2011년 2월 17일 ... Mac OS. (KoreaChess : Janggi) Janggi is the Korean name for a strategic board game widespread in Korea. It was derived from Chinese Xiangqi. The game looks very similar to Chinese Xiangqi, such as starting position of ...

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