ArtDeco Backgammon 3D

Seller Ludo Digital Pty Ltd Category Games
App Size 3.8 MB Requirements OS X 10.6.6 or later
Version 1.2 (May 12, 2011)


53% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



The best 3D backgammon game on the AppStore.
ArtDeco Backgammon 3D brings you Backgammon in visually stunning 3D. Enjoy an intuitive game with a tactile experience that makes you feel like you are playing on a real art deco themed board.
The ArtDeco theme of the game ties in with the history of Backgammon as it grew and evolved in the New York clubs and societies of the 1920s. In an effort to capture this essence we bring you the game of Backgammon in the
timeless style of ArtDeco.
With multiple levels of AI to suit beginners and more advanced players, many features make gameplay feel intuitive and easy. The autosave and resume feature allows you to play the game as it suits you. If you don't have time
to finish a round, don't fret. Just exit the game, the next time you start it up you'll be back at the start of the round you were playing.
NB: There is no match play option currently; the doubling cube, match play rules and options are not used at present.

Other Apps by Ludo Digital Pty Ltd

Current Price: $0.99 (2012/08/12)

Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)

85円 (2011/07/15〜)
115円 (2011/04/09〜)

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ArtDeco Backgammon 3D Screenshots, screen capture.

15 May 2011 ... ArtDeco Backgammon 3D Brings you Backgammon in visually stunning 3D.

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