
Seller JS8 Media Inc. Category Music
App Size 0.9 MB Requirements OS X 10.6.6 or later
Version 1.6 (Apr 30, 2012)


46% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



AudioSpeed allows you to alter the playback speed of audio (and video) files, and independently or in addition alter the pitch rate. Ideal for learning tricky passages of music or vocals, as it will adjust the playback speed without altering the pitch, if you don't adjust the pitch slider. AudioSpeed has a large range of features, allowing you to adjust the playback speed and pitch exactly as you want, and to specify a loop section to repeatedly hear the adjusted audio. Key features include:
- Drag and drop table for adding audio and video files.
- Speed slider for adjusting the playback speed from a range of 2.5 down to 0.35. Also allows you to play audio in reverse from speeds of -0.35 to -2.5
- Pitch slider for adjusting the playback pitch rate.
- Loop buttons for setting the loop start and end points, useful for repeatedly playing a section of audio at a different speed.
- Full audio quality controls.

Current Price: $8.99 (2012/08/12)

Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)

800円 (2011/07/15〜)
1000円 (2011/02/05〜)

Infromation Related to this App

ImageQFX - image effects for Mac OS X ... AudioSpeed is available now at the Mac App Store for Mac OS X 10.6 and 10.7. MAS_Label AudioSpeed1. Adjust playback speed and pitch independently. Drag and drop audio file table. Easy to use ...

10 Feb 2011 ... AudioSpeed allows you to alter the playback speed of audio (and video) files, and independently or in addition alter the pitch rate. Ideal for learning tricky passages of music or vocals, as it will adjust the playback speed ...

AudioSpeed v1.6 Mac OSX | 1 MB AudioSpeed - speed and pitch processing. AudioSpeed is an audio playback processing application that allows you to hear your audio file at different speeds wi.

AudioSpeed v1.6 Mac OSX | 1 MB. AudioSpeed – speed and pitch processing. AudioSpeed is an audio playback processing application that allows you to hear your audio file at different speeds without altering the pitch, or with the pitch ...

1 May 2012 ... AudioSpeed Easily adjust the playback speed of any audio file.

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