Email Filing Assistant

Seller Karsten Schulz Category Productivity
App Size 0.7 MB Requirements OS X 10.7.3 or later, 64-bit processor
Version 2.2.0 (May 25, 2012)
Languages English, German


71% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



The Email Filing Assistant (EFA) simplifies, accelerates, and automates the filing of emails into mailboxes.
EFA requires Apple Mail, which is part of Mac OS X.
With an ever increasing number of mailboxes and emails, it is often a tedious and time-consuming task to file emails. It is not uncommon for accounts to consist of dozens or hundreds of mailboxes. And the more there are, the more time the user requires to think about the right target mailbox and then to drag&drop the email into it. Especially if it is a sub-sub-sub- mailbox, which requires the user to navigate through a mailbox hierarchy.
EFA solves this problem by analysing the filing history of emails and by considering the user’s own preferences. It then makes suggestions of mailboxes from which the user can select from, by simply clicking on one of them, and voila, the email has been filed by EFA.

Current Price: $4.99 (2012/08/12)

Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)

450? (2011/07/15?)
600? (2011/04/30?)
450? (2011/04/25?)

Infromation Related to this App

The eMailGanizer - intelligent email filing assistant iPhone and iPadProductivity app, one of hundreds of Productivity apps reviewed by the experts and users at Macworld.

21 Mar 2012 ... Email is possibly one of the best things about the internet, until it starts to pile up and your inbox has more numbers on it than that miles on your car.

27 May 2012 ... Email Filing Assistant A program that simplifies the filing of e-mails into mail folders.

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