The preeminent BPM tagging app for OS X is now optimized for Lion.
ltjBPM exposes every command through a keyboard shortcut to provide the fastest and most accurate way to set BPM tags for tracks in your iTunes library.
The preferences panel allows you to customize (or reset) the keyboard shortcuts for every feature:
- Count one beat
- Export measured BPM to the current iTunes track
- Reset the BPM counter
- Play/Pause iTunes
- Select the Next track in iTunes
- Jump the iTunes play head forward 10 seconds
- Jump the iTunes play head back 10 seconds
- iTunes Volume up
- iTunes Volume down
- Rate {5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0} stars in iTunes
ltjBPM also includes complete documentation, accessible via the Help > ltjBPM Help menu item.
Other tap-based BPM counters are decent for measuring a track or two, but fall short when you want to measure a larger number of songs.
ltjBPM exposes every command through a keyboard shortcut to provide the fastest and most accurate way to set BPM tags for tracks in your iTunes library.
The preferences panel allows you to customize (or reset) the keyboard shortcuts for every feature:
- Count one beat
- Export measured BPM to the current iTunes track
- Reset the BPM counter
- Play/Pause iTunes
- Select the Next track in iTunes
- Jump the iTunes play head forward 10 seconds
- Jump the iTunes play head back 10 seconds
- iTunes Volume up
- iTunes Volume down
- Rate {5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0} stars in iTunes
ltjBPM also includes complete documentation, accessible via the Help > ltjBPM Help menu item.
Other tap-based BPM counters are decent for measuring a track or two, but fall short when you want to measure a larger number of songs.
Other Apps by Jared Hunter
Current Price: $2.99 (2012/08/12)
Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)
250? (2011/07/14?)
7000? (2011/04/13?)
8000? (2011/04/04?)
5800? (2011/04/03?)
8000? (2011/03/13?)
6000? (2011/03/11?)
8000? (2011/02/18?)
7000? (2011/04/13?)
8000? (2011/04/04?)
5800? (2011/04/03?)
8000? (2011/03/13?)
6000? (2011/03/11?)
8000? (2011/02/18?)
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