
Seller Jeff Wolverton Category Entertainment
App Size 17.6 MB Requirements Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later
Version 1.1 (Jan 27, 2011)


45% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



(*NOTE: This new update fixes the crashing-on-type problem some of you were having.)
REALISTIC SKYWRITING on your Mac! Write your name in the sky and watch it waft away like real skywriting! Sketch a picture or write message in the sky, then save a picture of your work before it floats away! Write over cityscapes, watch your skywriting as it floats BEHIND buildings and palm trees, just like it's actually in the sky!
SkyWriting, the popular iPad app has been rebuilt from the ground up for the Mac App Store! Additional backgrounds and features:
-- Background images a-plenty: Sky write over a cloudy sky, over a beach, a desert, or any of several famous cities such as New York, Chicago, Boston, Syndey, Paris, London and more! (And check it out: when you right on the palm tree, london, paris or new york images, your writing stays behind the foreground stuff, like it's really in the sky!)

Other Apps by Jeff Wolverton

Current Price: $1.99 (2011/06/01)

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