Love Gmail? Mailplane makes Gmail even better.
Mailplane wraps the Gmail web interface into a dedicated email application. It's a specialized web browser for Gmail. It works with Google Apps, too.
Top Benefits:
* Save time and send optimized attachments from anywhere.
* Easily switch between different Gmail and Google Apps accounts
* Get notifications and never miss an important message
* Link Gmail conversations with Mac documents
* Personalize your messages with formatted signatures
* Make Mailplane your default email client
* Use AppleScript to automatically compose messages
* Focus on your work and enable the "Do not disturb" mode
* Integrate with your CRM or support system with the auto-BCC feature
Compare Mailplane vs. Gmail in a web browser: http://mailplaneapp.com/comparison
Requires one or more Gmail or Google Apps accounts.
Mailplane wraps the Gmail web interface into a dedicated email application. It's a specialized web browser for Gmail. It works with Google Apps, too.
Top Benefits:
* Save time and send optimized attachments from anywhere.
* Easily switch between different Gmail and Google Apps accounts
* Get notifications and never miss an important message
* Link Gmail conversations with Mac documents
* Personalize your messages with formatted signatures
* Make Mailplane your default email client
* Use AppleScript to automatically compose messages
* Focus on your work and enable the "Do not disturb" mode
* Integrate with your CRM or support system with the auto-BCC feature
Compare Mailplane vs. Gmail in a web browser: http://mailplaneapp.com/comparison
Requires one or more Gmail or Google Apps accounts.
Other Apps by Ruben Bakker
Current Price: $24.99 (2012/08/12)
Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)
2200円 (2011/07/15〜)
2900円 (2011/03/14〜)
2900円 (2011/03/14〜)
Infromation Related to this App
Subclassification By Mac App Search
Categories of MacAppStore > Productivity
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RT @harrymccracken: Speaking of Gmail, if you use Gmail and Google Calendar and have a Mac, you NEED the new version 3.0 of Mailplane.
2012/8/5/ 3:7:58
RT @harrymccracken: Speaking of Gmail, if you use Gmail and Google Calendar and have a Mac, you NEED the new version 3.0 of Mailplane.
2012/8/4/ 23:42:1