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[カテゴリ別]: 人気ランキング
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CeeCee risks her life to uncover a ring of killers who murder people to sell their body parts on the black market.
CeeCee risks her life to uncover a ring of killers who murder people to sell their body parts on the black market.
複数のアンバー・アラート(誘拐事件速報システム)からの行方不明の少女達の情報で、刑事のCeeCee Gallagherが連続児童誘拐ならびに殺人犯の事件に着手した。時間は刻一刻と過ぎ、Gallagherとパートナーは少女達の命を救うため、そして次の被害者を出す前に犯人を逮捕するため奔走する。
........................................Multiple Amber Alerts for missing girls bring Detective CeeCee Gallagher onto the case of a serial child abducter and murderer. Time is running out as Gallagher and her partner race to save the girls’ lives and apprehend the killer before he can strike again.
........................................Multiple Amber Alerts for missing girls bring Detective CeeCee Gallagher onto the case of a serial child abducter and murderer. Time is running out as Gallagher and her partner race to save the girls’ lives and apprehend the killer before he can strike again.
........................................When one woman's detective husband is accused of abusing and plotting to kill her, she must come to terms with the truth, the lies, and the passion that is the basis of their marriage.
........................................When one woman's detective husband is accused of abusing and plotting to kill her, she must come to terms with the truth, the lies, and the passion that is the basis of their marriage.
時は南北戦争時代。テネシー州のGastへの旅はリラックスできるはずだと思っているJustin Collierにとって、ベッドと朝食は危険な秘密をはらんでいた。何も知らない彼。その豪邸とその後ろの鉄道は幽霊に呪われてはいなかったが、言葉では表せない恐怖と肉欲に呪われていた。
A Civil War−era bed & breakfast harbors deadly secrets for Justin Collier, who expects his trip to Gast, Tennessee, to prove relaxing. Little does he know, the mansion and the railroad behind it aren′t haunted by ghosts but an unspeakable carnality and horror.
A Civil War−era bed & breakfast harbors deadly secrets for Justin Collier, who expects his trip to Gast, Tennessee, to prove relaxing. Little does he know, the mansion and the railroad behind it aren′t haunted by ghosts but an unspeakable carnality and horror.
To save her family from ruin, a Southern belle appeals to a high-stakes gambler to teach her poker, but he’s more interested in giving her lessons in love.
To save her family from ruin, a Southern belle appeals to a high-stakes gambler to teach her poker, but he’s more interested in giving her lessons in love.
........................................A young doctor is forced by a group of modern druids to become the guardian of a tricky puca―a Puckish spirit of Irish lore―and in the process, loses her heart to him.
........................................A young doctor is forced by a group of modern druids to become the guardian of a tricky puca―a Puckish spirit of Irish lore―and in the process, loses her heart to him.
A mustanger and a rancher trying to fence off the open range with barbed wire go head-to-head in this riveting, action-packed drama.
A mustanger and a rancher trying to fence off the open range with barbed wire go head-to-head in this riveting, action-packed drama.
カウボーイのLance Tolliveが死体につまづいた。彼はインディアンと国境の賊と警察の三つ巴の戦いに巻き込まれてしまう。
When cowboy Lance Tolliver stumbles across a dead body, he’s caught in a three-way battle among Indians, border bandits, and the law.
When cowboy Lance Tolliver stumbles across a dead body, he’s caught in a three-way battle among Indians, border bandits, and the law.
グウェンはスティーブン・ターベルに低い業績評価をつけてしまったために、間違った同僚との衝突を招いた。 ターベルは彼の人生で支障をきたしたすべてをグウェンのせいにし、数々の脅威や嫌がらせにより、じわりじわりとグウェンを破壊すると決心した。
Gwen crossed the wrong coworker when she gave Stephen Tarbell a poor performance evaluation. Tarbell blames Gwen for everything that’s gone wrong in his life and he’s set out on a campaign of terror and intimidation, determined to destroy Gwen bit by bit.
Gwen crossed the wrong coworker when she gave Stephen Tarbell a poor performance evaluation. Tarbell blames Gwen for everything that’s gone wrong in his life and he’s set out on a campaign of terror and intimidation, determined to destroy Gwen bit by bit.
David Pierceはケベック州で最近再開された水力発電所で働くため、妻と娘を連れて引っ越した。しかし、謎めいた発電所のオーナー達は危険な秘密を隠していた。そして、Davidの幼い娘は恐ろしい血と死の予感を持つようになる。
David Pierce has moved with his wife and daughter to accept a job with a recently reopened hydropower plant in Quebec. But the owners of the mysterious plant are hiding a deadly secret, and David’s little girl has begun to have terrifying premonitions of blood and death.
David Pierce has moved with his wife and daughter to accept a job with a recently reopened hydropower plant in Quebec. But the owners of the mysterious plant are hiding a deadly secret, and David’s little girl has begun to have terrifying premonitions of blood and death.
17歳のButton Starbuckは父親が殺害された事を知ると、彼を撃ち殺した男を追い詰めて復讐する事を心に誓う。彼が信用できる唯一の友は、戦士の心と狡猾さを持つ青きマスタングだった。
When 17-year-old Button Starbuck finds his father murdered, he swears to track down the man who shot him and get his revenge. The only friend he can rely on is a blue mustang with the cunning and heart of a fighter.
When 17-year-old Button Starbuck finds his father murdered, he swears to track down the man who shot him and get his revenge. The only friend he can rely on is a blue mustang with the cunning and heart of a fighter.
Nathan Cooperは、彼の妻と姪を殺害した5人の男を追い詰めるまでは、ひと時も休まる事はない。
Nathan Cooper won't rest until he tracks down the five men who murdered his wife and niece.
Nathan Cooper won't rest until he tracks down the five men who murdered his wife and niece.
Caleb Hartは叔父の牧場へ向かう途中、牛飼いの自警団と狡猾な牛泥棒一味との血なまぐさい争いに巻き込まれてしまった!
When visiting his uncle's ranch, Caleb Hart finds himself smack in the middle of a bitter dispute between a group of canny rustlers and vigilante cattlemen out for blood justice!
When visiting his uncle's ranch, Caleb Hart finds himself smack in the middle of a bitter dispute between a group of canny rustlers and vigilante cattlemen out for blood justice!
An anthology of three short novels by three of the greatest writers Western readers have ever known.
An anthology of three short novels by three of the greatest writers Western readers have ever known.
A lonely Celt druid finds more than he expected on a quest for the lost Grail of Avalon--a bewitching young Roman beauty.
A lonely Celt druid finds more than he expected on a quest for the lost Grail of Avalon--a bewitching young Roman beauty.