【他のカテゴリ】 【ヘルプ】 【このカテゴリに新規登録】
[カテゴリ別]: 人気ランキング
アプリはどんどん増え、どんどんアップデートされていくため、行き届かない点があるかもしれません。リンク切れ等の問題を発見なされた場合、お手数ですが、タイトル下の 「管理者に通知」 を押し、教えてください。
気に入ったソフトは 「マイアプリに追加」しておくか、「メールで紹介」すると便利です。
Asininityの街はかなり社会的に地位のある街なので保安官に銃を持たせている。しかし Barjackに有利なポジションをあきらめてもらうため、彼を殺さなければならない。
The town of Asininity feels it’s gotten too respectable to have a gunfighter as its sheriff, but they’ll have to kill Barjack to get him to give up his lucrative position.
The town of Asininity feels it’s gotten too respectable to have a gunfighter as its sheriff, but they’ll have to kill Barjack to get him to give up his lucrative position.
Pound Taylor は過去に犯した罪を放免される機会をもらう。彼がしなければいけないことは荒れた法的な制限のゆるい町で法執行者になり、生き延びる道を探すことだった。
Pound Taylor has the chance to have his past crimes pardoned. All he has to do is become the lawman in a wild, wide-open town―then find a way to stay alive!
Pound Taylor has the chance to have his past crimes pardoned. All he has to do is become the lawman in a wild, wide-open town―then find a way to stay alive!
失踪していた女の子たちが殺人で出頭してきた。Hart, Nolan, Tainは一緒に動いていた最初の事件のMOに不気味なほど似ていた。警察は最初間違って違う男を捕まえたのか?チームがバラバラになる前に殺人をやめることができるのか、それとも・・・
Missing girls are turning up murdered, in ways that eerily resemble the MO of the killer from the first case that Hart, Nolan and Tain worked on together. Did they get the wrong man the first time? Will they be able to stop this killer before tensions drive the team apart―or get one of them killed?
Missing girls are turning up murdered, in ways that eerily resemble the MO of the killer from the first case that Hart, Nolan and Tain worked on together. Did they get the wrong man the first time? Will they be able to stop this killer before tensions drive the team apart―or get one of them killed?
A young reporter fights against the sensationalism of television news while at the same time dealing with love, life and the pursuit of happiness in Southern California.
A young reporter fights against the sensationalism of television news while at the same time dealing with love, life and the pursuit of happiness in Southern California.
In an adventurous epic filled with passion and betrayal, a young Jesuit priest forsakes his clerical life to avenge his father's murder.
In an adventurous epic filled with passion and betrayal, a young Jesuit priest forsakes his clerical life to avenge his father's murder.
A brave Scot piper, killed in battle centuries ago, calls to Tafaline across time and she knows that is naught to do but go to him--perhaps to save his life, perhaps to win his heart.
A brave Scot piper, killed in battle centuries ago, calls to Tafaline across time and she knows that is naught to do but go to him--perhaps to save his life, perhaps to win his heart.
何者かが近隣の牛牧場主達を銃で襲い始めた。するとSpencer Prescottは、容疑者と被害者の両方に同時になってしまった。
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Someone has started gunning down cattle ranchers in the area and Spencer Prescott has become both a suspect and a potential victim.
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Someone has started gunning down cattle ranchers in the area and Spencer Prescott has become both a suspect and a potential victim.
Demon Eyesからやって来た超能力を持つバンパイアの種族であるBreathersと戦うデパートメント18は、一方は人間との平和的な共存を望み、もう一方は人類を根絶やしにするまで喰らいつくす事を望んでいるバンパイア派閥同士の戦いに巻き込まれてしまう。
Department 18 takes on the Breathers, the species of psychic-sexual vampires from Demon Eyes, and gets caught between warring factions―one wants to coexist peacefully with humans and the other wants only to feed off them until humanity is wiped out.
Department 18 takes on the Breathers, the species of psychic-sexual vampires from Demon Eyes, and gets caught between warring factions―one wants to coexist peacefully with humans and the other wants only to feed off them until humanity is wiped out.
A dreamwalker and a nymph share sexy liaisons at night and by day team up to fight an evil power trying to drain the Immortals of their life magic.
A dreamwalker and a nymph share sexy liaisons at night and by day team up to fight an evil power trying to drain the Immortals of their life magic.
A beautiful young witch must choose between maintaining the anonymity of her coven and trusting the detective who would bring a heartless serial killer to justice.
A beautiful young witch must choose between maintaining the anonymity of her coven and trusting the detective who would bring a heartless serial killer to justice.
When a young woman on the brink of bankruptcy inherits a small cornerstone, the contents are sure to solve all of her problems―at least the ones the cunning hunk inside the stone doesn't create himself.
When a young woman on the brink of bankruptcy inherits a small cornerstone, the contents are sure to solve all of her problems―at least the ones the cunning hunk inside the stone doesn't create himself.
南極で失踪した科学者を探す任務に就いていたGabriel Huntとその科学者の美しい娘だが、秘密の谷とそこに住む冷酷な住人達を発見した時、物語りは思わぬ展開を見せる。
A mission to Antarctica to find a missing scientist takes a shocking turn when Gabriel Hunt and the scientist’s beautiful daughter discover a secret valley and the ruthless civilization that inhabits it.
A mission to Antarctica to find a missing scientist takes a shocking turn when Gabriel Hunt and the scientist’s beautiful daughter discover a secret valley and the ruthless civilization that inhabits it.
A crusading Latina is targeted by a psychotic killer, and the only man who can save her is a police detective who also has every reason to want her dead.
A crusading Latina is targeted by a psychotic killer, and the only man who can save her is a police detective who also has every reason to want her dead.
放置所で3年過ごしたLyle Wilsonは 仮釈放され自由の身となった。自宅に戻り、人生の再スタートをきることになる。しかし彼をはめた男性たちはWilsonが復讐をしないいかなるチャンスも奪わないと主張するも信じようとはしない。彼が復讐をしないうちに彼らはWilsonを殺す計画に入る。
After three years in prison, Lyle Wilson is free on parole and ready to get back home and resume his life. But the men who framed him don’t believe Wilson doesn’t want revenge and they aren’t going to take any chances. They’re going to kill Wilson before he makes any trouble for them.
After three years in prison, Lyle Wilson is free on parole and ready to get back home and resume his life. But the men who framed him don’t believe Wilson doesn’t want revenge and they aren’t going to take any chances. They’re going to kill Wilson before he makes any trouble for them.
オリジナル発行版を復元した、Louis L'Amourの西部劇物語の最高傑作7作品。
..........................................Seven of Louis L'Amour's finest western stories, restored to their original magazine versions.
..........................................Seven of Louis L'Amour's finest western stories, restored to their original magazine versions.