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[カテゴリ別]: 人気ランキング
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Lassiter will have to break the law to save a friend from hanging―or take his place on the gallows.
Lassiter will have to break the law to save a friend from hanging―or take his place on the gallows.
An accounting student finds more in her new bed than just a sound sleep; she finds the ghost of a famed New Orleans libertine looking to uncover his murderer―and to awaken Veronica’s own blooming sensuality.
An accounting student finds more in her new bed than just a sound sleep; she finds the ghost of a famed New Orleans libertine looking to uncover his murderer―and to awaken Veronica’s own blooming sensuality.
靴のデザイナーであるMaddie Springerは失踪中の父親を捜すためにベガスへ向かう。そこで彼女はショーガール、死体の世界、そして力強くセクシーなルックスのスパイ警官を知ることとなる。
When shoe designer Maddie Springer heads to Vegas to search for her missing father, she finds a world of show girls, dead bodies, and a sexy undercover cop who looks mighty familiar.
When shoe designer Maddie Springer heads to Vegas to search for her missing father, she finds a world of show girls, dead bodies, and a sexy undercover cop who looks mighty familiar.
Maddie’s planning a wedding, but with a killer on the loose, “’til death do you part” might come a lot sooner than she thinks!
Maddie’s planning a wedding, but with a killer on the loose, “’til death do you part” might come a lot sooner than she thinks!
絶望的な若い女性は王家の家系にある財産を証明するため、遠い植民地へ旅に出るが、文明への反逆者であるRobin Hoodに加わることとなる。
A young woman desperate to prove her worth in her family's dynastic company travels to a faraway colony and finds herself joining the Robin Hood-like rebels outside of civilization.
A young woman desperate to prove her worth in her family's dynastic company travels to a faraway colony and finds herself joining the Robin Hood-like rebels outside of civilization.
10代の女の子が “Mary Jane’s Grave,” で殺人で捕まると、実際のオハイオ州のサイトでは亡霊がでるという噂が広まり、ちまたではMary Jane復讐の亡霊ではないかと言われていた。しかしCeeCeeは本当の殺人者を捜すべくすでに調査に入っていた。
When a teenaged girl is found murdered on “Mary Jane’s Grave,” an actual Ohio site long rumored to be haunted, locals insist it’s the ghost of Mary Jane out for revenge. But CeeCee is determined to find the real―human―killer.
When a teenaged girl is found murdered on “Mary Jane’s Grave,” an actual Ohio site long rumored to be haunted, locals insist it’s the ghost of Mary Jane out for revenge. But CeeCee is determined to find the real―human―killer.
To stave off a war with the Underworld and protect his people from extinction, Theron―descendant of Hercules―has to find the woman who fulfills an ancient prophesy. Only how can he turn her over for sacrifice when losing her would mean losing his heart?
To stave off a war with the Underworld and protect his people from extinction, Theron―descendant of Hercules―has to find the woman who fulfills an ancient prophesy. Only how can he turn her over for sacrifice when losing her would mean losing his heart?
A five-hundred-year-old ghost sees stars when a handsome young astronomer buys a castle where she was killed.
A five-hundred-year-old ghost sees stars when a handsome young astronomer buys a castle where she was killed.
Outlaw Trainが街へとやって来ると、殺人と不可解な事件が起きた。旅の途中であったOutlaw Trainとして知られる「Cabinet of Curiosities」がやって来たケンターッキー州のWilesの街は、その列車を奪おうとする者達や、自分の家族や友の死体をさらした列車の持ち主に復讐する者達で大騒動となる。
The Outlaw Train has pulled into town, bringing murder and mystery with it. When the traveling “Cabinet of Curiosities” known as the Outlaw Train arrives in Wiles, Kentucky, it stirs up every outlaw in the area who either wants to rob the train or get revenge on the owner for displaying macabre relics and remains of their family or friends.
The Outlaw Train has pulled into town, bringing murder and mystery with it. When the traveling “Cabinet of Curiosities” known as the Outlaw Train arrives in Wiles, Kentucky, it stirs up every outlaw in the area who either wants to rob the train or get revenge on the owner for displaying macabre relics and remains of their family or friends.
Members of a Chicago jazz band are being murdered by a mysterious hitman known as The Cleaner. Could it have anything to do with the romance between a Mafia princess and one of the band members? The worlds of jazz and the mob collide in this tense, witty, and clever novel.
Members of a Chicago jazz band are being murdered by a mysterious hitman known as The Cleaner. Could it have anything to do with the romance between a Mafia princess and one of the band members? The worlds of jazz and the mob collide in this tense, witty, and clever novel.
In one fateful night, a brilliant and beautiful doctor is swept by a patient into a dangerous world of intrigue, vampires and the government agency created to exterminate them―and an even more dangerous world of love.
In one fateful night, a brilliant and beautiful doctor is swept by a patient into a dangerous world of intrigue, vampires and the government agency created to exterminate them―and an even more dangerous world of love.
Loralee は勇ましく勇敢なインディアンに憧れて西部へ移動した。そして今彼女は反逆者であるApache Shad Zunigaへ追放人として入らなければならず、永遠に彼を愛すると彼に誓う。
Loralee moved West with dreams of dashing and brave Indians, and now she must join renegade Apache Shad Zuniga as an outcast and try to convince him that hers is a love forevermore.
Loralee moved West with dreams of dashing and brave Indians, and now she must join renegade Apache Shad Zuniga as an outcast and try to convince him that hers is a love forevermore.
PoundはPartnersのヒーローでギャングを形成し、outlaw trainにつづくよう設定している。すぐに明らかになるが、ギャングはPoundほど正直ではなく、テキサスにいる銀行強盗が悪事を働くとPoundは警察と彼の仲間両方と戦わなければならない。
Pound, the hero from Partners, sets out to form a gang and follow the outlaw trail. It soon becomes clear, though, that his gang isn’t as honest as Pound is, and when a bank robbery in Texas goes bad, Pound has to fight both the law and his own men.
Pound, the hero from Partners, sets out to form a gang and follow the outlaw trail. It soon becomes clear, though, that his gang isn’t as honest as Pound is, and when a bank robbery in Texas goes bad, Pound has to fight both the law and his own men.
1876年9月7日。「James-Younger」ギャングがミネソタ州、ノースフィールドにあるFirst National Bankで銀行強盗を試み、そして悲惨な結果を生む事となる。著者であるJohnny D. Boggs独特の心を引きつけるアプローチは、ある人物の視点からまた別の人物の視点へと移り変わらせることによって、血なまぐさい強盗劇だけでなく、その前後までも描写している。
On September 7, 1876, the James-Younger gang attempted to rob the First National Bank of Northfield, Minnesota, with disastrous consequences. In a unique, compelling approach, author Johnny D. Boggs shifts perspectives from one first-person account to another to describe the bloody robbery, as well as the events leading to it and its aftermath.
On September 7, 1876, the James-Younger gang attempted to rob the First National Bank of Northfield, Minnesota, with disastrous consequences. In a unique, compelling approach, author Johnny D. Boggs shifts perspectives from one first-person account to another to describe the bloody robbery, as well as the events leading to it and its aftermath.