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[カテゴリ別]: 人気ランキング
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「Blood on the Moon」は最初に作られた西部犯罪小説のひとつとして支持されている。映画「Variety」で、深い影や淀んだ景色を使う事で善悪の曖昧さを表現した映画監督のRobert Wise (「The Sound of Music」, 「West Side Story」)は、この作品について「簡明かつしっかりと描かれ、サスペンス溢れる西部劇作品だ」と述べている。
Blood on the Moon is widely hailed as one of the first noir Westerns. Director Robert Wise (The Sound of Music, West Side Story) used deep shadows and murky landscapes to convey the ambiguity of right and wrong in a film Variety calls “a terse, tightly drawn Western packed with suspense wallop."
Blood on the Moon is widely hailed as one of the first noir Westerns. Director Robert Wise (The Sound of Music, West Side Story) used deep shadows and murky landscapes to convey the ambiguity of right and wrong in a film Variety calls “a terse, tightly drawn Western packed with suspense wallop."
A young woman seeking to escape her past finds herself further tied to it by the acquisition of magical powers from a Sarsen stone―and when she meets the handsome spirit of the stone, she learns that he is both the key to her happiness and a threat to her unfettered independence.
A young woman seeking to escape her past finds herself further tied to it by the acquisition of magical powers from a Sarsen stone―and when she meets the handsome spirit of the stone, she learns that he is both the key to her happiness and a threat to her unfettered independence.
ある子供が行方不明となり、Bone Lakeで体が見つかった。母親は死に物狂いで犯人を捜す。しかし、小さなこの街の汚職、地位を悪用した秘密、そして彼女自身の隠された願望が明らかとなっていく。
A child is missing, a body is found in Bone Lake, and a mother’s frantic search uncovers small-town corruption, dirty secrets and her own hidden desires.
A child is missing, a body is found in Bone Lake, and a mother’s frantic search uncovers small-town corruption, dirty secrets and her own hidden desires.
ひねくれた修道士Mattaen は、彼を自分の夫だと言い張る情熱的なドラゴンライダーの女性の誘惑にあう。
A cynical Mattaen monk meets the ultimate temptation: a passionate female dragonrider who claims him as her mate.
A cynical Mattaen monk meets the ultimate temptation: a passionate female dragonrider who claims him as her mate.
テキサス警備隊員のTime Carlowは、殺しの度に違う銃を使う不思議な雇われの殺し屋を追わなくてはならない。Timeは殺し屋の次のリストに挙がってしまっているのだろうか?
Texas Ranger Time Carlow has to track down a mysterious hired gunman who seems to use a different gun for each killing. Is Time next on the killer’s list?
Texas Ranger Time Carlow has to track down a mysterious hired gunman who seems to use a different gun for each killing. Is Time next on the killer’s list?
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・The nuns in a NYC convent are actually vampires intent on resurrecting Dracula himself!
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・The nuns in a NYC convent are actually vampires intent on resurrecting Dracula himself!
大好きな彼女にとって自分がふさわしい男である事を証明し、隣人を感動させるため、ツキに見放された牧場主が、街をおびやかしている脅迫者一味である「Black Ace Gang」の正体を暴こうとする。
To prove himself worthy of his sweetheart and impress his neighbors, a down-on-his-luck rancher sets out to unmask the Black Ace Gang, a group of blackmailers terrorizing the town.
To prove himself worthy of his sweetheart and impress his neighbors, a down-on-his-luck rancher sets out to unmask the Black Ace Gang, a group of blackmailers terrorizing the town.
郊外にある街LeHorn's Hollowでは奇妙な事件が続いていた。夜に女性が姿を消したり、林で不思議な火が目撃されたり、不気味なパイプ楽器の音が響いたり。古の神Panがこの地球に召喚されたのだ!
Strange things are happening in the rural community of LeHorn's Hollow. Women are disappearing overnight, mysterious fires are seen in the woods, and eerie piping music is heard. The ancient god Pan has been summoned to Earth!
Strange things are happening in the rural community of LeHorn's Hollow. Women are disappearing overnight, mysterious fires are seen in the woods, and eerie piping music is heard. The ancient god Pan has been summoned to Earth!
A knight who has known honor but never love; a mysterious huntress with a closely guarded secret; a long-standing feud between rival lords; an arranged marriage with a surprisingly sensual consummation―Cindy Holby puts a fantasy spin on some of the most beloved elements of historical romance.
A knight who has known honor but never love; a mysterious huntress with a closely guarded secret; a long-standing feud between rival lords; an arranged marriage with a surprisingly sensual consummation―Cindy Holby puts a fantasy spin on some of the most beloved elements of historical romance.
Samantha Dorringerと、Storm Ravensの変形するリーダー、そして彼らのお互いへの好意を止めるものは何もない。そして、二人はおもしろいハリウッドのスキャンダルの調査へと飛び込んで行く。
Samantha Dorringer and the shape-shifting leader of the Storm Ravens will let nothing stop them―including their red-hot attraction for each other―as they plunge headlong into investigating a hilarious Hollywood scandal.
Samantha Dorringer and the shape-shifting leader of the Storm Ravens will let nothing stop them―including their red-hot attraction for each other―as they plunge headlong into investigating a hilarious Hollywood scandal.
Maddie Templeは、双子の姉妹との精神的繋がりによって着実に狂気へと追いやられていっている事を実感していた。そして、唯一彼女を救えるのは、彼女の経歴を終わらせる事のできる精神科医の手にかかっていた。
Maddie Temple finds her life spiraling out of control as the mental link she shares with her twin sister pushes her closer and closer toward madness and her only hope for redemption lies with a psychiatrist who could end her career.
Maddie Temple finds her life spiraling out of control as the mental link she shares with her twin sister pushes her closer and closer toward madness and her only hope for redemption lies with a psychiatrist who could end her career.
Contestants on a Survivor-like reality TV show find the dangers are too real when they’re stranded on a deserted island with inhuman creatures out to kill them.
Contestants on a Survivor-like reality TV show find the dangers are too real when they’re stranded on a deserted island with inhuman creatures out to kill them.
When the daughter of an austere Methodist minister is talked into taking her friend’s place at a fashionable Regency masquerade, friendship―and desire―demand she continue the deception.
When the daughter of an austere Methodist minister is talked into taking her friend’s place at a fashionable Regency masquerade, friendship―and desire―demand she continue the deception.
A petty thief and a convicted murderer find themselves entangled in a deadly reality TV game and a heart-pounding attraction for each other.
A petty thief and a convicted murderer find themselves entangled in a deadly reality TV game and a heart-pounding attraction for each other.
After their misencounter on a plane from London to Trinidad, Michael and Shari meet again and try to untangle the threads that draw them together and apart…and what is the true connection between Michael and his frequent companion, the beautiful but venomous Zoe.
After their misencounter on a plane from London to Trinidad, Michael and Shari meet again and try to untangle the threads that draw them together and apart…and what is the true connection between Michael and his frequent companion, the beautiful but venomous Zoe.