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[カテゴリ別]: 人気ランキング
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気に入ったソフトは 「マイアプリに追加」しておくか、「メールで紹介」すると便利です。
今は亡きLord Byronは、とある伝記作家がByron自身よりも自分の事を知っていると分かった時、彼女を危険なゲームへと…そして情熱に溢れる腕の中へと彼女を引き込むのだった。
When a biographer proves to know more about his life than the now-immortal Lord Byron expects, he draws her into a dangerous game―and his passionate arms.
When a biographer proves to know more about his life than the now-immortal Lord Byron expects, he draws her into a dangerous game―and his passionate arms.
Ninon de L'Enclosの不死の生命が危機にさらされている。この危機を切り抜ける唯一の方法は、暗く不思議な吸血鬼の腕の中にある。
Ninon de L'Enclos's immortal life is in danger, and the only way to survive is in the arms of a dark mysterious vampire.
Ninon de L'Enclos's immortal life is in danger, and the only way to survive is in the arms of a dark mysterious vampire.
A group of young Northerners are caught between two warring backwoods clans, one a family of deformed mutants looking for a human sacrifice for their annual feast, the other ruled by a human/demon hybrid looking for a new host body for his twisted soul.
A group of young Northerners are caught between two warring backwoods clans, one a family of deformed mutants looking for a human sacrifice for their annual feast, the other ruled by a human/demon hybrid looking for a new host body for his twisted soul.
ワシントンの銀行員で成功を収めているLeona Hewittは、ある新規顧客を引き受けた時に自分が危険にさらされている事に気づく。彼女が取引を承認しなければ、巨大企業が巨額の損失をこうむる事になってしまう…さらに彼らは、彼女が問題を起こさないよう、殺し屋を雇ったのだった。
Leona Hewitt, a successful Washington banker, finds her life on the line when she takes on a new client. A poweful company is set to lose millions if she doesn't approve a transaction…and they've hired a killer to make sure she doesn't present a problem.
Leona Hewitt, a successful Washington banker, finds her life on the line when she takes on a new client. A poweful company is set to lose millions if she doesn't approve a transaction…and they've hired a killer to make sure she doesn't present a problem.
A man on the run gets roped into becoming a small-town marshal, but how long can he stay before they discover his secret?
A man on the run gets roped into becoming a small-town marshal, but how long can he stay before they discover his secret?
A mystery writer is forced to reconsider her policy against dating when she is protected from death threats by the sexiest cop she’s ever seen.
A mystery writer is forced to reconsider her policy against dating when she is protected from death threats by the sexiest cop she’s ever seen.
A police officer on the trail of corruption in his department finds himself framed and on the run from the law―and runs right into the house and arms of a woman divorced, delicious and too good to be true.
A police officer on the trail of corruption in his department finds himself framed and on the run from the law―and runs right into the house and arms of a woman divorced, delicious and too good to be true.
Milt Dornは、近所の牧場主が2人の女の子の誘拐を企てている事を偶然耳にする。何かしなくては…例えそれが、自分が先に彼女達を誘拐する事になろうとも!
When Milt Dorn overhears a local rancher plotting to kidnap two girls, he’s forced to take action―even if it means kidnapping them himself first!
When Milt Dorn overhears a local rancher plotting to kidnap two girls, he’s forced to take action―even if it means kidnapping them himself first!
Devon, an artist, came to the isolated little town to paint the old church. Instead he became caught in a web of passion, power…and murder. He believes an accused murderer is innocent and takes it upon himself to find the real killer.
Devon, an artist, came to the isolated little town to paint the old church. Instead he became caught in a web of passion, power…and murder. He believes an accused murderer is innocent and takes it upon himself to find the real killer.
With zombies taking over the cities, a group of humans escapes the carnage by taking a small Coast Guard ship out to sea, but there's no getting away―even in the wide ocean.
With zombies taking over the cities, a group of humans escapes the carnage by taking a small Coast Guard ship out to sea, but there's no getting away―even in the wide ocean.
名高い戦士であったHarry Destryは全くの別人となって獄中から戻って来た。街の人々は彼の事を以前の様には見なくなっていたが、逆にDestryのおとなしさは、彼を陥れた男に対する復讐の計画を隠していた。
Famed fighter Harry Destry comes back from jail a changed man. The town thinks he no longer has what it takes to defend himself, but Destry’s innocent act covers a plot for vengeance against the men who set him up.
Famed fighter Harry Destry comes back from jail a changed man. The town thinks he no longer has what it takes to defend himself, but Destry’s innocent act covers a plot for vengeance against the men who set him up.
3人の12歳、悪名高い2人のガンマン、半狂乱のアルビノ、そして嘆く女が20年前に険しいDoubtful Canonに埋められた3万ドルの金貨をめぐって争う。
Three twelve-year-olds, two notorious gunfighters, a half-crazed albino, and a grieving woman vie for $30,000 in gold coin, buried twenty years ago in treacherous Doubtful Canon.
Three twelve-year-olds, two notorious gunfighters, a half-crazed albino, and a grieving woman vie for $30,000 in gold coin, buried twenty years ago in treacherous Doubtful Canon.
..........................................As a female firefighter battles personal demons and a serial arsonist, will a doctor from her past be able to help her heal and find peace?
..........................................As a female firefighter battles personal demons and a serial arsonist, will a doctor from her past be able to help her heal and find peace?
To save the woman he loves from hanging for murder, a young man first has to prove her innocence―in one of the most lawless towns of the West.
To save the woman he loves from hanging for murder, a young man first has to prove her innocence―in one of the most lawless towns of the West.
お化け系アトラクションのデザイナーであるKen Rippleは自身の最高傑作となる「Ghost Walk」をデザインした。それはLeHorn’s Hollowの不思議な森をうねる道が通るものだった。しかし彼は、その森は実際に邪悪な場所であり、地獄への扉から真の悪魔が解き放たれたとは知るよしもなかった。
........................................Haunted-attraction designer Ken Ripple has designed his masterpiece, the Ghost Walk, a trail winding through the mysterious woods of LeHorn’s Hollow. He doesn’t realize that the woods are truly evil and a gateway to hell has unleashed a real demon.
........................................Haunted-attraction designer Ken Ripple has designed his masterpiece, the Ghost Walk, a trail winding through the mysterious woods of LeHorn’s Hollow. He doesn’t realize that the woods are truly evil and a gateway to hell has unleashed a real demon.