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Unternehmenspra¨sentation der Deister- und Weserzeitung. Multimedialer Rundgang durch die Abteilungen, vom Anzeigenverkauf bis zum Vertrieb.
季刊 de[デ] spring, 2011 no.0
design review from japan timely through timeless
日本語版先行配信 英語版配信予定
1.『de』のテーマ : 日本発のデザイン誌
2.『de』の仕掛け : レイヤード・レイアウト
創刊準備号 目次
[特集] 本という技術
掲載作品・作家 : 嵯峨本、喜多川歌麿、ウィリアム・ブレイク、ジュール・シェレ、テリー・ジョーンズ、デヴィッド・カーソン 他
テキスト : 永原康史「ブックテクノロジー序説」
[連載1] 港千尋 tateyokoー超電子時代のイメージ論
no.0 その先のディメンション
[連載2] 赤松正行 リアリティとモビリティ
no.0 リアルなリアリティ
design review from japan timely through timeless
日本語版先行配信 英語版配信予定
1.『de』のテーマ : 日本発のデザイン誌
2.『de』の仕掛け : レイヤード・レイアウト
創刊準備号 目次
[特集] 本という技術
掲載作品・作家 : 嵯峨本、喜多川歌麿、ウィリアム・ブレイク、ジュール・シェレ、テリー・ジョーンズ、デヴィッド・カーソン 他
テキスト : 永原康史「ブックテクノロジー序説」
[連載1] 港千尋 tateyokoー超電子時代のイメージ論
no.0 その先のディメンション
[連載2] 赤松正行 リアリティとモビリティ
no.0 リアルなリアリティ
Das Generalprogramm des Weltklassik-Festivals 《Boswiler Sommer 2011》 −
16 Veranstaltungen im spektakula¨ren Ambiente des Ku¨nstlerhauses Boswil
Seit 2001 ist der ja¨hrlich stattfindende Boswiler Sommer ein Ho¨hepunkt in der Schweizer Festivallandschaft. Boswil ist wie geschaffen fu¨r ein Festival, das Weltklasse-Ku¨nstlerInnen und junge kreative MusikerInnen u¨ber ein variantenreich gestaltetes Thema zusammen fu¨hrt. Die Atmospha¨re und Intimita¨t des Kraftorts und das lange Verweilen und Arbeiten an einzig fu¨r diesen Ort gedachten Konzerten schafft besondere ku¨nstlerische Perspektiven und gemeinsame Kra¨fte beginnen sich zu entfalten.
Der Boswiler Sommer 2011 steht unter dem Motto 《5 Elemente》. Die Vorstellung von vier Grundelementen − Feuer, Erde, Wasser, Luft − bescha¨ftigt die Kultur des Abendlandes seit Jahrtausenden. Seit den griechischen Philosophen gelten diese Elemente als Grundstoffe der Welt und als bestimmende Temperamente unseres Seins.
16 Veranstaltungen im spektakula¨ren Ambiente des Ku¨nstlerhauses Boswil
Seit 2001 ist der ja¨hrlich stattfindende Boswiler Sommer ein Ho¨hepunkt in der Schweizer Festivallandschaft. Boswil ist wie geschaffen fu¨r ein Festival, das Weltklasse-Ku¨nstlerInnen und junge kreative MusikerInnen u¨ber ein variantenreich gestaltetes Thema zusammen fu¨hrt. Die Atmospha¨re und Intimita¨t des Kraftorts und das lange Verweilen und Arbeiten an einzig fu¨r diesen Ort gedachten Konzerten schafft besondere ku¨nstlerische Perspektiven und gemeinsame Kra¨fte beginnen sich zu entfalten.
Der Boswiler Sommer 2011 steht unter dem Motto 《5 Elemente》. Die Vorstellung von vier Grundelementen − Feuer, Erde, Wasser, Luft − bescha¨ftigt die Kultur des Abendlandes seit Jahrtausenden. Seit den griechischen Philosophen gelten diese Elemente als Grundstoffe der Welt und als bestimmende Temperamente unseres Seins.
Podemos afirmar com muito orgulho que o nosso vo^lei vive hoje sua fase mais pujante, com inu´meros dados que mostram nossas glo´rias esportivas - do infanto-juvenil a`s selecoes principais. Nenhum outro pai´s tem mais de 150 jogadores ou jogadoras que foram campeoes mundiais jogando em sua pro´pria pa´tria. O Brasil tem este privile´gio. Se antes a Ita´lia era a meca do voleibol, esta condicao agora e´ nossa. Os ti´tulos nas quadras estao bem retratados neste livro, mas gostaria de abordar algo que passa a` margem do grande pu´blico: o incansa´vel trabalho da CBV, refere^ncia mundial em gestao esportiva. Dividimos nosso escopo de trabalho em unidades de nego´cios, realizando a parte te´cnica e logi´stica das competicoes em todo o territo´rio nacional. O vo^lei e´ movimentado no Brasil em 100% das regioes, do norte ao sul, e cada Estado recebe, pelo menos uma vez por ano, uma competicao oficial organizada pela confederacao.
Get to know Austin's best barbecue joints, Tex-Mex spots and live-music venues. Filled with things to do, music venues and road trip ideas for the Texas Hill Country, the guide is a must-have for first-time visitors and seasoned travelers. Complete Austin vacation information is at your fingertips with the Austin Official Visitors Guide.
Browse the web on your iPad using your own regular computer browser! That's right - Firefox, Chrome, or Internet Explorer - the choice is yours. Get full support for FLASH, including games and videos; browse with access to all of your bookmarks, saved passwords, toolbars, etc.
》 Splashtop Remote Browser connects your iPad to your PC (Windows only for now). Your PC must be on, and you need to install our free Splashtop Remote Streamer on it. You do not need to be in front of the PC after you install the Streamer.
》 Once the app connects to your PC, it launches your regular web browser, and shows it on your iPad.
》 This free app supports browsing for up to 5 minutes. For unlimited sessions, check out our full Splashtop Remote Desktop app.
? Full screen or multiple windows - just like on your desktop
? Tabs - just like in your favorite browser
》 Splashtop Remote Browser connects your iPad to your PC (Windows only for now). Your PC must be on, and you need to install our free Splashtop Remote Streamer on it. You do not need to be in front of the PC after you install the Streamer.
》 Once the app connects to your PC, it launches your regular web browser, and shows it on your iPad.
》 This free app supports browsing for up to 5 minutes. For unlimited sessions, check out our full Splashtop Remote Desktop app.
? Full screen or multiple windows - just like on your desktop
? Tabs - just like in your favorite browser
The Philadelphia Official Visitors Guide has everything you need to plan a vacation to Philadelphia and find things to see and do while you’re here. Get the inside scoop on our famous historic sites, museums, restaurants, sports and shopping. You'll also find detailed neighborhood guides and maps as well as itineraries, all from the experts at the Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau.
Only touch the panels, you will be instantly good Thai speaker. About 80 word & phrases are available for speaking, hearing, and seeing the Thai character spelling.This is suitable for the travelers to Thailand and the beginners who studies Thai.
JM entre´ a¨r tidningen som bostadsfo¨retaget JMs alla VIP-kunder fa°r hem i brevla°dan. I tidningen, som ha¨r a¨r nedladdningsbar fo¨r alla, fa°r du inspiration och en inblick i den va¨rld JMs kunder lever i. Dessutom listas kommande bostadsprojekt som snart a¨r klara att flytta in i.
Oregon Symphony's first iPad App!
Oregon Symphony Presents Program #8 April 30 − June 16, 2011
Coming Up:
A Night in Havana
You've seen them on Dancing With the Stars. You've enjoyed their electric energy and the sizzling music of their native Cuba. Now imagine them backed by the lush string sounds and blazing brass of the Oregon Symphony. By the end of the performance, you'll be on your feet dancing and cheering. What a great way to end the Pops season!
Jeff Tyzik, conductor
Tiempo Libre, performing artists
Sat 4/30/11 7:30PM Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall
Sun 5/1/11 3:00PM Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall
Music for a Time of War
Just before Carlos Kalmar and the Oregon Symphony head off to New York and their long-awaited Carnegie Hall debut, they've got one very special themed program planned for their home audience in Portland: "Music for a Time of War."
Carlos Kalmar, conductor
● Sanford Sylvan, baritone
Charles Ives: Unanswered Question
Oregon Symphony Presents Program #8 April 30 − June 16, 2011
Coming Up:
A Night in Havana
You've seen them on Dancing With the Stars. You've enjoyed their electric energy and the sizzling music of their native Cuba. Now imagine them backed by the lush string sounds and blazing brass of the Oregon Symphony. By the end of the performance, you'll be on your feet dancing and cheering. What a great way to end the Pops season!
Jeff Tyzik, conductor
Tiempo Libre, performing artists
Sat 4/30/11 7:30PM Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall
Sun 5/1/11 3:00PM Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall
Music for a Time of War
Just before Carlos Kalmar and the Oregon Symphony head off to New York and their long-awaited Carnegie Hall debut, they've got one very special themed program planned for their home audience in Portland: "Music for a Time of War."
Carlos Kalmar, conductor
● Sanford Sylvan, baritone
Charles Ives: Unanswered Question
Seit Anfang 2004 liefert das Magazin uptrend viermal ja¨hrlich exklusive und spektakula¨re Einblicke in die Welt von ABT Sportsline. 2011 startet das Lifestyle-Format auch auf dem iPad. Speziell fu¨r das Kultgera¨t von Apple werden die attraktivsten Inhalte des Print-Vorbilds aufbereitet und mit multimedialen Inhalten wie Fotogalerien, Audios, Videos und weiteren Features erga¨nzt. Die Leser haben damit die Mo¨glichkeit, Reportagen, Geschichten und Interviews noch intensiver zu erleben. uptrend fu¨rs iPad erscheint parallel zu den Printausgaben.
今日、きっと役に立つ!! ハワイの情報が満載!! 「アロハストリート」
※アロハストリート全ページ収録によるデータ容量の関係上、アプリ内ストアから「アロハストリート」をダウンロードする場合は、Wi-Fi接続でダウンロードいただくか、パソコンのiTunes App Storeにてダウンロード後 iPadと同期してください。
【INDEX】アロハストリート 2011 3月/4月号
The Busでめぐるハワイの旅
【いま旬な人】ハワイが誇るウクレレマスター ジェイク・シマブクロ
※アロハストリート全ページ収録によるデータ容量の関係上、アプリ内ストアから「アロハストリート」をダウンロードする場合は、Wi-Fi接続でダウンロードいただくか、パソコンのiTunes App Storeにてダウンロード後 iPadと同期してください。
【INDEX】アロハストリート 2011 3月/4月号
The Busでめぐるハワイの旅
【いま旬な人】ハワイが誇るウクレレマスター ジェイク・シマブクロ
近鉄百貨店インターネットショップが編集する関西グルメ情報 『関西ぐるメディア』 のiPadマガジン
近鉄百貨店インターネットショップの関西グルメ情報 『関西ぐるメディア』 で取材した記事をチョイスしてiPad向けマガジン用に編集し直したものが「KAN・GURU」iPadアプリです。
近鉄百貨店インターネットショップの関西グルメ情報 『関西ぐるメディア』 で取材した記事をチョイスしてiPad向けマガジン用に編集し直したものが「KAN・GURU」iPadアプリです。
It was a magnificent day of celebration and glorious romance - and this iPad app is the perfect souvenir capturing the special moments in fabulous pictures.
Created by The Mail on Sunday's London based royal reporting team, our app is for everyone who wants to enjoy Kate and William's dazzling Royal Wedding again and again.
There are scores of stunning pictures - Kate, the beautiful bride in that sensational dress. William, every inch the perfect Prince. That unforgettable balcony kiss! Plus the Queen, Prince Charles, Camilla and all the rest of the Royal Family and their glamorous guests in the most glittering celebration of the year.
-Easy to navigate
A single touch on any page calls up full navigation controls, including an illustrated list of contents and smooth-sliding page thumbnails.
-Stunning pictures
Browse the beautiful photography in gleaming high resolution, complete with captions recounting the events of the great day.
-Download a free preview
Created by The Mail on Sunday's London based royal reporting team, our app is for everyone who wants to enjoy Kate and William's dazzling Royal Wedding again and again.
There are scores of stunning pictures - Kate, the beautiful bride in that sensational dress. William, every inch the perfect Prince. That unforgettable balcony kiss! Plus the Queen, Prince Charles, Camilla and all the rest of the Royal Family and their glamorous guests in the most glittering celebration of the year.
-Easy to navigate
A single touch on any page calls up full navigation controls, including an illustrated list of contents and smooth-sliding page thumbnails.
-Stunning pictures
Browse the beautiful photography in gleaming high resolution, complete with captions recounting the events of the great day.
-Download a free preview